[DONE] Recommended Mods Guide

Perhaps they use heroes they like over heroes that are powerful in ur opinion…

There’s a limit.

I like Quorra, and I still use her because she can be successful.

I like Beast, but the thought of using him is pure lunacy. Worse than a liability.

you are more likely to have fun using people u like, which is why i dont use Ian, Drakken, Zeus, Shego, Bolt, etc.

Fun of losing?

A majority.

Just asking for a Hero in a recomended mods guide for Heros :relieved:

Just maybe x4 HP armor and reality? I dont think she does enough dmg with Green to invest SP on her. And with more armor and reality maybe Billy could be on battle a bit longer, despite of winifred disk giving her more defenses

Mods will only work on Sarah.

Yes, i mean Billy is defeated when Sarah is, so if Sarah can resist a bit longer, Billy will as well. I think her strenght (if there is any) is Billy unlimited slow on enemies closed enough with winifred disk. Actually, his range should be increased, and they should fix red ability. Billy never goes through the battle field to get closer to the farthest enemy, as the ability says.

No fun of playing with characters u like

And? Thats why there is a little something called disagreeing

This and as well many other issues and weaknesses makes them one of worst hero(es) in the game.

As Zelkiiro said, totally not worth any mods.

A majority of players would put Yax in the bottom 5 of heroes, and would rate Calhoun as being mediocre or worse. Majorities can be wrong. (Granted, in this case I suspect they’re correct, but if someone’s determined to use Sarah and Billy, hey, maybe they can actually find a way for them to be a useful part of some niche team.)

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Because they don’t have them maxed, and maxed Sarah is still terrible.

even I’m confused by critical and supercritical damage. the information says that critical damage is equal to +100 points from the level of the enemy, right? that is, it turns out that now for 100% crit you need to score 330 + 100 = 430. So? and for supercrit another +100 units = 530. right?
my darkwing duck has 547 crits, which means that this number is enough for supercrits. right? so I don’t need to put mods on crit, right?

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This is something I am unsure of too

Indeed. For guaranteed super crit you need a crit stat above 200 of the enemy’s level.

When guide was first made DW didn’t had that much crit.

Could you update please?
Which mods would work best now?

There is a 2nd set already.

I will update the guide more to explain which set is better (when), like with Shego. Probably next week.

Could you just add her mods so people will stop asking? Simple as that.
Also some people find her useful, she isn’t bad just because that’s your opinion.

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are any other players incapable of coming up with some good mods for her (or any hero) themselves?

this is Musketeer’s list of his personal opinions, he’s not obliged to add heroes on demand if he doesn’t think they are worth modding :man_shrugging:

u make a fair point, but say the player is new and doesn’t know…

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