[DONE] Recommended Mods Guide

Musketeer has had several posts asking for heroes to add to his list, and I’m pretty sure no one has ever asked for Sarah in reply to any of those. Keep in mind, though, he feels Sarah is absolutely pointless, so he may not be in the best position to offer mod recommendations for her anyway.

I can’t claim to be an expert on her either, but looking over her skills, I tend to agree with this:

Maybe you could make a case for giving her speed mods if her animations seem slow enough to cause problems, but otherwise it looks like armor and/or reality are the only mods that would do her any good.


Yup I was gonna say 2 speed 1 armor 1 reality. Maybe like one green skill but scaling isn’t very good

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Now they know Sarah is bad. :woman_shrugging:

Nope, nobody, even Aurora, ironic.

It’s pretty much universal, if crits don’t work, or skill mods are bad, only these left.

Scaling and AoE.

ok you make a fair point, for a while I did find her useless, but then I figured out which mods to use for her myself

It baffles me how people think Aurora is useless when she not only obliterates enemy Tenacity (save for Meilin or the properly-disked Perry), but also has extremely spammable Weakness stacks/Reality removal.

Nobody said that? Bit random.

Any mod recommendations for Audrey?

4x Green or 4x Blue, whichever tickles your fancy.

Although, it’s still too early to consider modding her, what with the drought of chips and all.

Just curious. Thanks!

What makes Shank so good? I’ve rarely seen her used

Very high damage
Great survivability
Good stats
The best counter to normal damage, and when paired with Fear it’s likely you will receive no normal damage

And combine her with Joy, and you’ve got huge damage reductions to both Normal and Fantastic damage.

Okay. Would you recommend her to someone who is struggling with finding a good team?
I’m fine, though.

Can i get an example please?

Galera, mods para o gênio por favor

Eu uso muito o meu com ariel mas eu queria deixar ele no máximo de potencial

I think 2 speed, 1 armor and 1 reality

@HAHA_IamAboutToKillMySELF what are the best mods for the nightmare before Christmas heroes? :sweat_smile:

As for now added for Shank, DW, Meilin, Dash, Meg, and Gothel.


  • Slightly changed mods for Carl and Kim
  • Added link to tier list
  • Removed 2nd Jack Sparrow
  • Added other additional info for Nick Wilde and Jack Sparrow
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Miguel mods?

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