Don't expect these to stop anytime soon (1.11 and beyond Predictions)

Well, Polaris vacation might move game update by 1 week.

Predictions THIS time makes sense, good.

Aggressively waiting for Kim… still


I feel like throwing a chair at the wall for Kim Possible


Oh sorry. It wasn’t meant to be insulting (I’ve been told that it really seems I can’t tell how my sentences will maked people feel). Thanks for being polite instead of mean and hateful. I will try to work on the issues you pointed out. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you! This is what I’ve been saying.

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Well until you said this no one else had seemed to figure that out.

Please read threads before asking questions. You would know the answer if you actually read this thread.

Let’s just steer clear from making the criticism grow worse and start off with this:

Flocked Coat? Perhaps it could be metaphorically, sheep needing to be watched over. We don’t know the identity of Bo’s second friendship(the first one is with Woody), but for sure, that unknown character needs to watch over Bo’s sheep, while the former is gone for a patrol mission(or possibly a date with Woody~).

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Yeah that does make more since.

… I am part of a Facebook Group dedicated to the game. We have a locale datamine there who said this. I have the users post where he said this pictured above. Not a lie buddy.

Thank you for apologizing🙏

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slaps face


I think the title of this says PREDICTIONS so nobody can really lie, but i don’t really feel like getting into a fight soooo…

i could be somebody like Joy

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a lie. You even said that @Wave9Nut can’t be lying just because they got some information from a stranger. Anyone can lie. With or without a purpose.

i said i don’t really feel like fighting

okay, i changed my comment, now i don’t want to keep fighting

Joy was already confirmed as well as kim but we don’t know when they are releasing

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Wait a minute…WHAT AM I SAYING!!!

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You are saying:


Well yeah…but we don,t know when kim or joy are releasing and im certainly not believing any rumors about rafiki or peter pan or cough cough forky cough cough

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