Ercole Visconti's Likely Hero Concept (N.13)

Hi everyone! Today I present you Ercole Visconti’s Likely Hero Concept!


Team: Red
Stars: :star2:
Role: Support
Position: Front-Line


Description: The “Signor Vespa” is here! Be careful! With his Vespa, he can destroy your entire team only using his white skill, while healing his allies!

Quote: “Someone got lucky today, hmm? Who got lucky?”


Entrance: Ercole enters the battle with his Vespa.
Victory: Ercole puts his arms on his hips and laughs.
Defeat: Ercole falls on the ground on his knees.


Basic Attack: Ercole kicks the closest enemy, dealing X damage.

White Skill, Italian Vespa: Normal Damage
Ercole mounts on his Vespa and crosses the enemies’ line X times, dealing X damage to all enemies each time he crosses their line. After that, Ercole gains X armor, X reality, and X tenacity for X seconds.

Green Skill, Benvenuti a Portorosso: Fantastic Damage
Ercole welcomes his allies, invigorating them for X seconds and increasing their basic damage by X and their skill power by X for X seconds. After that, all enemies take X damage per second for X seconds.

Blue Skill, Someone Got Lucky Today: True Damage
Ercole grapples with the closest enemy, dealing X true damage to him, reducing his basic damage by X, stunning and silencing him for X seconds, and stealing X armor and X reality from him, gaining it to himself.

Purple Skill, Signor Vespa:
Whenever he has more than X debuffs, Ercole increases the attack and movement speeds of his allies by X percent for X seconds.

Whenever he is stunned, after the effect ends, Ercole silences a random enemy for the same duration of the stun he suffered.

Red Skill, Energy Rogue:
“Benvenuti a Portorosso” now steals X energy from each enemy and distributes it equally to the entire team, including himself.

Now “Italian Vespa” also gives Ercole X evasion for X seconds.

Each time he increases the attack and movement speeds of his allies with “Signor Vespa”, Ercole gains a shield of X HP for X seconds.

  • X Skill Power
  • X Basic Damage
  • X Max HP


It Recharges:

  • When the silence hits X enemies

If Recharged:

  • X Skill Power
  • X Max HP
  • Heals his allies of X HP for X seconds


Luca & Alberto: “You are Very Lucky!”


Ercole tries to do some jokes to Luca and Alberto.


  • X Skill Power to Allies
  • X Basic Damage
  • X Tenacity
  • X Evasion


  • Whenever he uses “Someone Got Lucky Today”, Ercole heals himself of X HP.

Allies: Lock, Shock & Barrel, Huey, Dewey and Louie, Gadget Hawkrench

Giulia: “Stupid Underdogs!”


Ercole insults Giulia and they start an “Insult Battle”!


  • X Basic Damage
  • X Skill Power
  • X Armor to Allies
  • X Reality to Ercole and Allies


  • Whenever Ercole uses “Italian Vespa”, all the enemies are stunned and silenced for X seconds.

Allies: Scar, Mike Wazowski, Sulley & Boo

I hope you liked this Likely Hero Concept!


This Likely Hero Concept is now in my Hero Concepts’ List!

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This concept looks amazing! Great job! I love the quote. :+1:

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My only nitpick is the fact that characters don’t have both of their Friendship Campaigns be from the same movie/franchise anymore, but since this is just a concept, it’s not really a big deal.

Well done! :+1:

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Nice concept

Thanks everyone for the feedback!

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