Mickey Fan 2023's Hero Concepts (Update 1.3-A)

These are my hero and refreshes’ concepts! I hope you like them!



Aladdin’s Sultan (08/01/23)
[Refresh: 30/08/23]

Isabela Madrigal (04/03/23)
[Refresh: 04/09/23]

Mowgli (04/05/23)
[Refresh: 06/10/23]

Toad (06/07/23)

Puss In Boots (16/07/23)
[Refresh: 25/11/23]

Harry Potter (19/07/23)

Death (14/08/23)

Ron Weasley (28/08/23)

Cuphead (03/09/23)

Star Butterfly (21/10/23)

Pinocchio (05/12/23)


Uncle Grandpa (22/05/23)
[Refresh: 25/11/23]

Spinel (07/07/23)

Plankton (23/06/23)

Lightning McQueen (25/07/23)

Grunkle Stan (29/08/23)

The Devil (06/09/23)

Robin (08/09/23)

Zazu (08/10/23)

Frank Wolff (Coming Soon)
Phineas & Ferb (Coming Soon)


Steven Universe (30/06/23)

Dumbo & Timothy (07/08/23)

Hector Rivera (21/08/23)

Mugman (05/09/23)

Gyro Gearloose (09/09/23)

Cricket Green (Coming Soon)


Giulia (01/07/23)

Alejandro (05/07/23)

Ercole Visconti (22/07/23)

King Dice (01/09/23)

Pain and Panic (30/09/23)

Heimlich (Coming Soon)


Woody (30/04/23)


Plankton just got added!


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Steven Universe just got added!


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Giulia just got added!


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I noticed that after Giulia’s Hero Concept has been released, the views of my Hero Concepts’ List increased from 380 to 450 views in one day! Thanks everyone for the support!

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Alejandro just got added!


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  • Added Numbers to every concept to specify the Concept’s Timeline
  • Ethan Clade’s Announcement removed from the list. I didn’t watch the film so I don’t know any of his possible skills.
  • Added Allies for the Friendships’ Disks on Uncle Grandpa’s and Plankton’s Hero Concepts
  • Correction of some Grammatical Errors in Isabela Madrigal’s Hero Concept.
  • New Heroes are Coming Soon! Stay Tuned!

2 heroes are coming in a few days:
NEW! Toad from Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros!
NEW! Spinel from Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe!

I hope you like this update! Enjoy my Hero Concepts’ List!

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Thanks everyone for the 500 views!

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Toad just got added!


83 views in one day! Thanks everyone!

Spinel just got added!

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Now I’m taking a little break from making hero concepts. See you Sunday 16 for a new Hero Concept!

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A new update is here!


  • New Heroes’ Announcement have been added in the list!
  • Correction of the name of the “Berserk” effect that in most of the hero concepts was called “Insane”!
  • Adjustment to the Friendships’ Stories on Aladdin’s Sultan’s, Isabela Madrigal’s, Mowgli’s and Uncle Grandpa’s Hero Concepts!
  • Battle Badge added on Aladdin’s Sultan’s, Isabela Madrigal’s and Mowgli’s Hero Concepts!
  • New Heroes are coming soon! Check them out on the list!

4 New Heroes are coming in the second half of July:
NEW! Puss In Boots from Dreamworks’s Puss In Boots!
NEW! Harry Potter from Warner Bros’s Harry Potter!
NEW! Lightning McQueen from Pixar’s Cars!
NEW! Ercole Visconti from Pixar’s Luca!

What are you waiting for? Go check out the new update on the list!

Puss In Boots just got added!

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Harry Potter just got added!


2 Pixar Characters’ Hero Concepts are coming in a few days! Don’t miss their Hero Concepts!

Ercole Visconti just got added!


Lightning McQueen just got added!


See you in August for other Hero Concepts!

Dumbo & Timothy just got added!


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