Forum Secret Santa!+

sad kero noises

Frogs are happy

Frogs are no longer happy

frog 2 was never happy

These frogs are never satisfied :sob:

just give them Frog Food

Gives them an apple

thank you


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frog 2 does not have the mouth size to consume a whole apple

uses its back to roll the apple back to you somehow

Jingle Bells
Crypto Smells
Homework is a pain
Thoughts of random junk and stuff
Replaying in my brain (HEY)
Jingle Bells
Walnut shells
All we got was rain
Something Something Genshin Impact
Look, a LEGO Train (HEY)


Look see? You made the Damon frog happy

But Cannon Frog, Frogmore and Dangerous Frog are still hostile :sob:


you got infected with genshin virus!?



Throws a rock exclusively at Frog 2

Because MissingFrog is hostile

the frog jumps away and consults an Ian

The quote is broken lol

Since when you frogs turned me into one of your kind :cold_sweat:

you have made frog 2 very angry.

I would but for some reason account won’t work

For now, I’m getting it fixed, so soon I’ll play

Also someone dabbled in the crypto ring and people are mad

That was the point because Code quoted wrong before fixing it

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