Forum Secret Santa!+

dont get it fixed! genshin is bad!


So what?

I got nothing to lose

Dr. Facilier turned you into one

Throws Frog 2 at the Ocean

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Frog 2 is happy because he can swim freely

you will lose your mind!

i would like this but i cant :sob:

smh these frogs

Frogs love to swim

Already lost it

:joy: :joy: :sob:

Mimikyu pls help

Don’t be…do not, okay? Do not EVER, ever be a sussy little baka.

Ok, so how many frogs are still angry?
I think Frog 1 and Frog 3


frog 2 is still happy

then you need to uninstall genshin! it is killing you slowly!

Cake hat

Throws Frog 2 to a volcano

what will I get in return

…A frog I guess?

throws the trident into the ocean in front of the cake hat frog

the frog holds on to the top and cries for frogs 1 and 3

Frog 1 and 3 helped frog 2 and throws cake hat to the volcano

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