Forumer of the month - March šŸ„§

Official statement

I like to make a longer statement on April Fools. So please read the whole post!

Yesterday, I was joking arround in this topic, bashing myself. This was just to make fun of myself and by no means to suggest Spark would have such views. Please remember that all those actions were mine only.

To the rest of the month, it is the goal to have a serious celebration of everything great that happened last month on the forums. Nominations can start from 21:00 CEST today (20:00 BST, 15:00 EDT).

I have seen the probably serious comments on the new category. While I like to gain feedback, I do like to try it for this month. At the end, I will of course ask for feedback. After I received that feedback, Iā€™ll decide about next month.


Good luck yā€™all!!!

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Reminder that the submission-time has started! :blush:

Attitude; LilRubyKinz
Helpfulness; AbuBakr_Umar
Creative content; Disney365Fun


No, you donā€™t have to. Please read the main post.

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My nominations:

Important Activity: @Myeong, they always are online, and make great posts!

Best Forum-Gamer: @TotallyNotDash, ahem, they spam a lot on the Forum Heroes thread about torture but letā€™s not talk about that

Attitude: @PawpsicleSticks, they are always nice to forumers, and do sometimes make me laugh.

There would be more, but I wouldnā€™t know who to nominateā€¦


My Nominations:

Important Activity - @Musketeer (Raises awareness for Kim, makes important threads, refresh posts, etc)

Best Forum-Gamer - @Pipsqueak (10 days ago became the newest Challenger Champion, proving a F2P can rise to the top, all it takes is perseverance, courage and determination)

Attitude - @Spark (Always so chill, laidback and fun to talk to)

Creative Content Creator - @Rinoxer0nte (The new Forumer guessing thread, the DHBM trivia he did before and his great concepts)

Helpfullness - @Lucky-Oswald (Helps out new forumers with their concepts and is never afraid to assist those that need assistance)

This was hard as usual. We really do have a great community with great members in it.



My nominations:

Attitude: @Commander-Rex for their constant optimism and positive engagement in the forums.

Helpfulness: @Phal for helping me understand more complex game mechanics and also giving me ideas for writing my Bolt/KP campaign dialogue when my first draft ended up being too similar to his Penguins/KP dialogue.

Creative Content Creator: Iā€™m actually going to go a different direction with this one and nominate @Wilde_Times for this category. For the short amount of time theyā€™ve been on the forums, they caught on to concept making really quickly. Not to mention, theyā€™re also very open to feedback, which is always nice to see!


Thank U, I m flattered. :grin:


Thanks everyone for nominating so far. I have added all names to the main post in the nominations section

Iā€™ve also added all your nominations from your edited post. Pawpsicle, however, was already nominated in the category ā€œAttitudeā€. No nominee can be in two categories unfortunetly.

Am I really allowed to be nominated for this month since I won last month? That feels a bit unfair. :crazy_face:


I actually forgot to mention that ruleā€¦ So I made a mess this month

However, you are now nominated, so it feels wrong to implement the rule at this point. I could not include you in the polls if you think that would be a good solution.

Next month I must remember to state this rule clearly, so I hope I do


My only thing is that I nominated Pawp First @Lucas1999 so will it be the other one that is counted?


Let me think who will I nominate:

Important Activity - I do not have one.

Forum-Gamer - @Grim_grinning_Ghost for their elimination games and how they like to have fun. Their RP as Kuzco was also amazing.

Attitude - @Tragic-Magic because they are always a fun and positive presence

Creative Content - @Disney-Fan for their awesome concepts that can sometimes go unrecognized.

Helpfulness - @Giosphere because they are a good friend.


Iā€™ve checked and see your edit was on 5:15 and Giosphereā€™s post was an hour ago. So I will change Pawpsicle to the Helpfullness-category


I do have a flair for the dramaticsā€¦


(It is the first time that I participate in the monthly nominations so do not judge me by who I choose (or maybe yes, I donā€™t know))

Here my nominations:

  • Important Activity: @Musketeer The patience far exceeds that of Jafar

  • Best Forum-Gamer: @TotallyNotDash for being the buffoon of the group and their spam could save us from some creeps

  • Attitude: @Spark Here I will speak more seriously, Although Spark is one of the youngest forumers, it is one of those that has had an interesting growth and advance so thatā€™s why I nominate

  • Creative Content Creator: Unfortunately I have no one to nominate

  • Helpfullness: Unfortunately I have no one to nominate


I canĀ“t decide who to nominate, so IĀ“m just watching :popcorn: :eyes: :rofl:

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