Fredzilla and Minimax


White Skill.

Variable needed.

Green Skill.

Variable needed and “knocking them back” would be a better way to word it.

Blue Skill.

Variable needed.

Purple Skill.

Is it once per wave and how much HP is he healed? Variable needed.

Red Skill.

How long is the stun, variable needed or percentage of the increase in damage and Superjump skill?


You’re missing how the disk is upgraded per star.

Missing stars, trial team, description, quote, entrance, victory, defeat…

I kind of would like it if it’s typed.


Also, I forgot to mention, it seems you’re making the same mistakes over and over in your concepts and not taking feedback from us. (You did get feedback in your Rocketeer concept)


Purple Skill:
All his health, it’s a full restorative/revive.

The Red Skill has no effect on the stun duration, it just makes the stun apply to all the enemies instead of one.

Honestly, math is not my strong suit, also, the skills increase with effectiveness as they are upgraded, so like level 1 might be minimal damage, but level 200 is maximum damage.
Given my lack of skill in calculating percentages or damage numbers, it would not be wise for me to create an entire tabulated damage scale for all the skills from level 1 up to 200.
Because it would be horribly flawed.

To be very clear, I don’t like typing the skills as actual text because the text won’t wrap around the image and emulate the ingame layout.
tt’s far easier to upload a picture so the text is where I want it to be.

What Muskeeteer concept?
I never made that!

Rocketeer I mean.

Then, put variables or percentages.


… Oswald wasn’t asking you to come up with an entire damage scale for all of the levels of the skill. They were asking you to simply add in a variable AS A PLACEHOLDER for whatever damage value would go there.

While I like the idea of the layout, it could maybe be a little neater by having the boxes be lined up with each other.


Unfortunately, to come up with a baseline level 1 number as a placeholder is infomation I no longer have access to, since I’d have to look at a character with a similar skill who was never upgraded and use their damage stats for the initial number.
Since I upgraded everyone at some point, the baseline data was gone a long time ago.

Also, some data is not recorded, like the game just says things like, damaged over time, but doesn’t say how much of their health bar is depleted while damage is occuring (burning in this case).

And since in many cases, I’m creating a skill that has never existed, there is no baseline to extralopate from.

Honestly, some of the most inane conversations I’ve had is with players (in other games) so bogged down in the details of skills that they’ll ramble on for hours about the math of this skill and that skill.
Which is why I don’t care about those kinds of details now, for me, what the character does is more important then the numbers involved.

Yes, that is but getting the concept right is also important.

That’s why variables exist, I could give you an example.

It is mentioned. :man_facepalming:


Use. An. X.


Actually, i think it’ll work better if you just type the concept instead of making it as an image, i’ve seen your concepts before and they’re basically are the same (they are made in an image instead of typing them), if you type them, the concepts could be fixed. Like Oswald said, the skills needs more variables like the amount of damage dealt (but use an X instead), the friendship disks also needs a lot of improvements, that’s not how friendship disks works, you need to add effects that can be levelled up with disk tokens and an effect that increases whenever they gain a new star.

Plus most of the animations are missing.

What I wrote is the basic concept for the friendship disc.
It can indeed be levelled up.

In this specific case, Wasabi’s disc increases damage and burning duration the more it is upgraded, Mushu’s disc progressively makes Fred’s cooldowns shorter.

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