I admit I’ve hit a wall on friend mission at lvl 41 and b1 heroes. Granted, it’ll go away once I reach b2 on most of these heroes, but as it stands some of these missions have way stupider requirement.
I’m not a noob as I’ve been clearing WT om hard since day 2 (with a lot of restarting, but who doesn’t)
For example Ralph + Violet being the worst offender. The very first mission gave me a really bad feeling due to their damage and enemy composition. Sure enough, I’m stuck at mission 1-3. Yes, I couldn’t even unlock their friend mission, because their damage is god awful and the enemies selfheal.
Same goes for the other missions attached in the screenshot, where I won’t be able to progress till they are either b2 or 3 star. I’m serioisly hoping it’s not the case for future friend campaign because it sucks to be stuck on 30/30 friend stamina.