I have been acculumating the results of powerup for quite some time now, hoping they would alter the balance of power enough to achieve victory for previous impassable missions.
After several consequetive failures despite the numerical advantage supposedly favoring my team, I consulted with my alliance and they had something important to say, that powerups boost skill level, not health stats.
So you have a character with 1000 HP who can release an 10000 damage blast, but can’t survive the 10000 damage blast they get in return.
Also, their basic damage is likewise not boosted to compensate for the difference.
So given this information, PowerUps should be revised to boost stats and basic damage, otherwise there is no porpoise to actually running the missions in the first place,
They may as well be replaced with 7 missions to get disc power instead, for all the advantage they do not apply.
It looks like the only way to succeed is to use red badges, which costs stamina,
I do not know about other players, but expending stamina on unused characters for the sake of a red power increase and one isolated mission chain is not recommended.
Especially when I have 16 other characters I am trying (not succeeding!) to max out in terms of badges.
These are my two most frequent failures:
To be honest, I found the experience so frustrating, I don’t even play Fiendship campains anymore unless they use one of my prevously upgraded top 16.