Friendship Refresh Overview

You didn’t even ready my reply, did you.

I don’t think you should really say that, since Tilarta might actually want to work on the other characters but can’t due to not having enough resources to do so.

As a F2P VIP 0 player I can say that I can’t keep up with that many characters and I can only keep up with this many characters due to the fact that I have really worked for making my badge grinding as efficient as possible.

My top characters may look fine and pretty good badge and power wise:

However, my character’s power quickly plummets as I can’t keep up with many more characters:

In AAA games there are sometimes a Creative mode and a Survival mode, which I think can be applied here as well. Those who spend a lot and can pick and choose characters as they want nearly are playing Creative mode basically, F2Pers however more so plays the game like a Survival mode and focus on gathering as much of the daily free resources as they can.
It is two very different play styles and can’t really be compared, so telling someone that they are unwilling to work on their characters are wrong as they may want to, but don’t have the spare resources to do so.

Hope you don’t mind I posted this, but yeah felt for speaking up since I myself know how hard it can be to spare resources on other characters than your main when you don’t spend money on the game, or at least not a lot if that’s more so the case for Tilarta. Either way, hope you don’t take this bad in any way as I just want to explain Filadae_Djaq :-).


They have a few reds, so… I really doubt they don’t have the resources to get some heroes above O2 :no_mouth:

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While that is true, what are required from the newest friend campaigns are that the characters in question are basically maxed leveled and maxed badged as in R14-R17, or at least nearly which is a huge resource eater.

That’s the issue more so.

So yeah, the other option would probably be to wait weeks if not months for the buffs to get many enough.


No, not really. I’ve beaten quite a few campaigns with heroes between R1-R8. Like Max (Fl), Disgust (Sa), Ian (Me), Ian (Go), Angel (St), etc.

But heroes with very few resources put into them are obviously not gonna triumph in their own campaigns. If I put an O0 Cheshire against an R9 Max you can’t expect me to win, right?

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Interesting if so and I suppose thanks for telling us :-).
I haven’t tried the newest of the new Friendship Campaigns as you can imagine from seeing my characters, but it is good to hear that at least some Friendship Campaigns can be beaten even if at a lower rank.

No, if the different is high enough then it is too much to expect yeah.
However if you can spare the resources to upgrade them is another thing still, so that’s the issue unless you are up for waiting weeks if not months.

If it matters anything, I got Fear’s Anger disk with both Fear and Anger on Orange +6 and 22 powerups (enemies on that campaign are R14 on S1)

To complete those campaigns with O0/O2 characters, one would have to wait to have a ton of powerups


I see and intersting and thanks for telling us Winter_Phal :-).

So around 1d and 6 hours x 22?
While not that long on one hand, it is a while still.


Basically yeah. Altough it didn’t feel that long since I started running the mission since I got Fear, but I only tried the campaign later, when I had like 20 powerups

You are correct, I do not have the resources.
I expended it all on my top 5 and then realized pushing further was beyond my means, now or in the future.

I intend to raise Honey Lemon up as I can (that process will probably take months, if not a year without paying money to upgrade her.
I can’t recall the exact values, but I think it’s something like $45 in purchased stamina per character to send them all the way to the top quickly.

Also, another thing to keep in mind is, Honey Lemon is the only one I’m actually using out of all those pictured.
I didn’t think it was an appropriate expenditure of resources for characters I am not using, especially when I have almost no resources left to use.

And no, I don’t mind you posted this, thanks for explaining it.

I did read it, but since you were talking about Friendship Campaigns I didn’t try, I have no context of reference.

I guess from hereon out, the new campaigns are going to be set to Red difficulty under the assumption everyone’s collection is all Red level characters by now.
Since my collection is not due to lack of resources, that assumption has crippled my gameplay signicantly lately.

Yeah, thought that were likely the case Tilarta :-).
You might be able to keep up with more than 5 characters, but if so you need to more so focus on grinding badge as efficient as possible and that way get more out of the stamina you get.
You can use the Badge Drop Charts and the database link in this post to hopefully make it easier for you to keep up more so badge wise :-).

Honey Lemon should be a good choice yeah, and yeah it will unfortunately likely take you some months to get her up, but as far as it will take a year I am not sure about as that maybe seem a bit long. A season to a half a year more so maybe if it takes that long.
I can’t say for sure as I don’t spend on microtransactions in games.

Yeah, getting enough resources to keep up with more than 5 characters can be hard and I had that problem before, but after I got better at grinding efficiently it helped me a lot :-).
And yeah, the reason so many of my main characters there have all their badges fully equipped is because is because I spent my Badge Bazar coins in the last contest, usually they aren’t that maxed.

That with “Hope you don’t mind” were to Filadae_Djaq, but yeah no problem about explaining anyway :-).

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I’m not sure if I’m farming badges properly, for me, it’s more a case of, do I have extra stamina today, if yes, go get badges.

But when I started getting higher, I noticed the costs in Stamina gradually rising and I had to start being selective on who got badges and when, to make sure incoming Stamina was greater then or equal to outgoing Stamina.

Example, here is one badge from Red10 Honey Lemon:

When 5000 started being the standard drain for one badge, this slowed down my progression significantly.

Also, since Honey Lemon is very new, her chips aren’t available yet:

So she can’t go above her current star level.

I might be missing something, but isn’t it completely impossible for this not to be the case? You can’t have negative stamina.

You can actually kind of have negative stamina, as in the stamina you needed in order to keep up with all your characters, but didn’t get enough.

This is from a few ranks back, but should still illustrate what I mean:

110000 x 0.33 = 36300      |     186768(100%) - 36300(19%) = 150468(80%)
36300 x 5 = 181500         |     186768(100%) - 181500(97%)  = 5268(2.8%)
36300 x 10 = 363000        |     186768(100%) - 363000(194%) = -176232(-94%)
36300 x 15 = 544500        |     186768(100%) - 544500(291%) = -357732(-191%)
Manageable: 5-6 heroes with this cost and stamina gain.

110000 x 0.25 = 27500      |     186768(100%) - 27500(14%) = 159268(85%)
27500 x 5 = 137500         |     186768(100%) - 137500(73%) = 49268(26%)
27500 x 10 = 275000        |     186768(100%) - 275000(147%)  = -88232(-47%)
27500 x 15 = 412500        |     186768(100%) - 412500(220%) = -225732(-120%)
Manageable: 6-7 heroes with this cost and stamina gain.

In case wondering 186768 were the estimated max stamina we could get per month daily gain wise together with the bonus stamina and 1 bought stamina from get more stamina.
110000 were the guessed stamina amount at rank R15.

So yeah, it is kind of possible to have negative stamina even if you don’t have it concretely in the game name wise and shown.

I can explain the numbers more if you want me to :-).

But yeah, it goes to show that it is really hard to keep up with many characters and as such F2P wise it being hard to keep up badge and rank wise for characters, making it less likely that they have extra stamina to spare on Friendship Campaign characters.


I had thought it was impossible, then I did it and realized, it was in fact, possible.

What happened was I expended my stamina without consideration on every badge for my top 15 without restraint, then realized I could not replace it as fast as it was going out. :scream:
Also, i ran out of gold too, since it was paying for said badges.

When I finally managed to get my stamina back over time, I said to myself, don’t spend on it every little upgrade for a momentary advantage, be careful with it and it’ll last longer.

In this specific case, expending it on characters I was only playing with for fun didn’t seem justified, not if it cost one of my top 5 or 10 several badges in the long run.

I just miss having the missions being leveled up, because you can get more disk power, more memories,(would still cost 1 chip) and more friendship power ups( they have a green flame on them). How about you? Maybe we can make a compromise of the two friendship systems, to possibly combine them in the all new friendship system, so that you can try the whole campaign, even when your VIP level is 20 or lower.

When the Friendship System was refreshed, we have 120 characters and 15 maximum missions (without VIP perks)

3 months has passed and now we have 134 characters, can we have more maximum missions?

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I’ll say it again

When the Friendship System was refreshed, we have 120 characters and 15 maximum missions (without VIP perks)

4 months has passed and now we have 136 characters (16 new characters, 13% increase), but the maximum missions number is still 15, can we have more maximum missions? Additional 1-2 maximum missions will help a lot.


The max numbers of mission should scale with numbers of our available heroes. That way, it will be updated automatically. Less job for you guys, @Polaris


I keep hitting the wall on power up missions, because there are so many that need to be run simultaneously, yet we only have 7 allowed slots.

Considering there are 20 slots, I don’t think it unreasonable that we run 20 different power up missions if we have to.

I know the limit is why I only do a few friendships at a time, because I cannot powerup all of the ones I need to work through.

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