Friendship Refresh Overview

@Polaris Everything looks good except this part. Let me do some simple math to explain.

To max one disk we would need 25+65+95+135 = 320 disk power, and assuming i can complete 2 x 10hr missions in a day (which would give 4 memory tokens), it would take me 80 days (~3mths) to max a disk.

Let me give you an example, so for now I am currently running 13 memory disk missions (mix of 10h and 20 missions). In this situation, it would take me 3 months to max the disk on 13 HEROES ideally.

However, with the new system, you restrict me to a maximum of 3 memory missions. Max R12 would take 14hrs, but im sure majority of players have heroes around R8-R9 so i’ll just assume 18hrs to finish the mission. So basically its been reduced to 2 memory tokens for 3 different heroes in one day. So now it would take me 120 days (~4 months) to max the disk on ONLY 3 HEROES.

Do you see the issue? Under the new system, if I wanted to max the disk on all 120 heroes, it would take a total of 160 months (~3 years) and this game hasn’t even been around for 3 years…

I’m not sure if you will agree with this fundamental flaw in the refresh (or just push it under the rug) but I do hope your team will take some time to look into this. My suggestion would be that you can keep the 15 mission limit, but do not limit the type of mission (memory token or disk power) that we can do.

I have been playing since the start of the game, and although this refresh sounds great, I can’t help but feel like I’m being penalised for it. I have most of the friendship disks unlocked (and I do understand that this will make unlocking disks easier) but it really feels like ■■■■ knowing that I’m going to be stuck with 1 star disks for most of my heroes from here on out.


If only I knew that “lv 7 rule”! As of now, my memory market only offers me the thing I DONT want, making it essentally useless :(( everyday :(((

Also, about my suggestion in leader chat about “using memory token directly on updating disc star”, I see that you guys completely ignored it eventhough you said you would consider it.

@Polaris, could you guys pls once more time consider my suggestion? This will make it easier farming for a 5-star disc and eventually making those token useful (right now, I barely spend them as I dont see what I want to buy?

@Yunno using memory tokens directly on disks would defeat the purpose of the memory market.

Just because they didn’t say “we aren’t doing this” doesn’t mean they didn’t consider it.

Wait… @Polaris what about the weekly challenges that need you to beat infected nodes?

I dont know what the purpose of that market when I dont even buying 1 single thing from it! Everyday!

It just stands there, takes up a place and does nothing. What a great purpose! They need to refresh memory market as well! Or like I said, let us use memory token directly on disc star!

What the point of rewarding us with memory token if I never spend them? For decoration?

Also @Polaris, you said in leader chat that the number of fights in each chapter would be reduced from 5 to 3. But I dont see you mention it here? Has that been changed? I hope not because it is/was a great feature

They also removed other great planned features :sweat:

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I will read the friend chat again. I suggest you do the same too

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@Polaris just curious:

What is the reasoning behind the 15 max missions?
As well as the 3/14 max of each type?

I currently run 24 missions at a time other people run more. It just seems like we’re getting some great features added here but then also losing some? With a good set of missions we can get 10k-15k disk power a day which compared to the 600k it takes to max a new disk these days isn’t really a great amount. Are the rewards going to be significantly scaled to make the 14 max limit worth it? Or is it possible to raise this max in future updates. I understand this is a whole new system and will probably be tweaked over time. Just sounds odd why a mission limit would even be added. Let alone 15.


My only comment about this change: memory missions will now always require hero chips of the secondary hero :confused: for people on older servers with an excess of chips, that’s fine but I’m ranked 9th for total stars on S21 and I’m still concerned that this is gonna eat up hero chips way more than it does now, when I can run memory missions without any chips needed.


Hasn’t that always been the case? Except with the primary hero?

E and G missions do not require hero chips:


But H do :eyes:

Yes… but now there’s only one option for memory missions instead of 4. E and G take longer but they require only badge bits. I use those until I have enough extra chips to run the others (which I rarely do, at my stage in the game).

Particularly for friendships with newer secondary heroes, this means I can’t run memory missions until I have them 6*.


@Polaris 1 huge thing you guys promised us about the new friend system that has been completely removed is the Power-up for hero in friend campaign!!! What happened to those?

You guys said they would help us out in completing friend campaigns which are obviously way too hard for new heroes

And now they are gone, without even a reason??? What the point of asking for our opinions when in the end, you guys are gonna do what you want

P/s: for those who wonder, friend campaign power-ups are different than Invasion power-ups and can only be used on their campaign, not all campaigns featuring them!


They did say nothing was set in stone…

But to change that much on things actually make friend campaigns easier? Isnt that a little too convienent? Also, why brought up something that good then just took it away? This sadden me

Yeah, I know how feel. Every feature they mentioned I was excited about. It was perfect.

Now it’s more complicated and ridiculous. The pathetic amount of memories given for free, the base time for memory missions, and the limits for the types of missions.



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I’m really looking forward the Refresh! So excited! :grinning:

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