[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

T -

U- u r not save

V - Very excited to play the two games I just downloaded—

W- Wow, you’re gonna tell us, right?

X - Xeems like no one cares

Y - You need to tell us now. You caused the curiosity.


Z - Zhy do I keep doing Z?

A - Among Us is one of them

B - Bussy Saka

C - @CoolestCupcake24

D- Donny

E - @EA_Romka

F- @FukurouHoot

G - Great, the forum is dead

H - Hello there

I - I think you came at the wrong time

J - Just asking, how is it a bad time?

K - Kinda dead, the forum is

I’m gonna sleep now :sleeping:

L - Let’s both sleep

M- mwhahahahahhaha

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