[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

N - Now, I’m waking up. Good morning, everyone!

O- okay now I sleep

P- Piggies Bad

Q- qok

R- Restart

(NotDash, change that O for a Q)

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S - Sussy Dash, making another O and skipping Q.

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T- TotallyNotDash maybe confused that O with a Q but still being a O :d

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U- Ubuntu

V- Vale, now it’s better

W- wish

X- @Xavier_The_Great

Y- yeah haha

Z - Zebras are in Zootopia.

A- Apricots and apples

B - But why did you make the actual a’s in that comment small like that? I mistook them for quotes at first glance. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

C- cent

D - dent :tooth:

E- ent :end:

F - fent :tractor:

G- gent :genie:

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