[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

B - :b:

Idk, ask Lovely

C- Can Amogus and FnF colab :smiley: :+1:

D - Dey already did in some weird YouTube ads :face_vomiting:


E- Ejected is an FnF song

F - Friday Night Funkin

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G- go eat a boyfrige

H - helloā€¦ how

I- idk lovelyā€¦ idk

J - @Judy_Hopps and @Nick_Wilde

L- lovely men

M - Me no like the latest forum update

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N - No respect smh.

O - Oops my bad :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

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P- please change the letters @LetsGetDangerousBro @Myeong

Q - Quest :crossed_swords:

R- required for Myeong to fix his comment

S - So mad that emojis dont count as ten characters

T- :taco:

U - Uno reverse card

V- vow

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