[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

W - Will you like my post, please? :pleading_face:


X - Xactly why should I when no one has done K yet still?

Y - You like-beggar, no

Lets just forget about it

Z - 中秋节

The Moon Festival is tomorrow!

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A- android

B - Bing

C - cephalalgia

D - @Ddddddddddd

E- even

F - fudge… the world if we could swear on forums :heart_eyes::tongue::tooth::brain::tooth:🫀:lips::kiss::speaking_head::lips::lips::lips:

G- Good Grief… I wouldn’t want to imagine that…

H - houses… it basically did happen in 2019… spammers :drooling_face:

I - I’m glad two people liked my post. :slightly_smiling_face:

J- just got

K - kidding me

l- lol

M - monke :orangutan:

N- @NanoTec

O - @Otis_Henry_Carte

P- :peanuts:

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