[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

P- pilesss

Q - Question: Why is my avatar like this today?

R - radio Time :bike::bike::bike:

S- sussy babakakka

T - this post has been edited

U- uh goodbye

V - very bored

W- wowiiwiwiiwi

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X - @Xxiii_v

Y - Y am I so mad!?

Z - :zzz:

How are you mad?

A - Angered by some people on Chat…

B - But what Chat?

C - Criminal people on Global.

D - Double B’s? :thinking:


E- everyone else is asleep now I have to Bluetooth

F - facts, Dash makes no sense


G- guns for a few years and you are a good person and you can buy em

H - healthy? No, guns are not healthy, they kill people, you know!

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I- It looks so sparkl and then we have the ability on my own shop 5 lol :joy:

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