[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

L - lies… stealing lovely’s job :pleading_face:🦬

M - :m:

Lovely speaks third person now :thinking:

N - @Nanidaiuck

O- okay what happened to j and k

P - Perhaps they are…


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Q - @QueerestUnicorn

R - red velvet dark soul hour of the moon 3:30 am


S - Spammers

T -test time. Pop quiz

U - Uh… idk who that alien thing is

V - Voldemort maybe? Oh wait, he’s not an alien

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W - White, Voldemort’s face is. This alien’s face is green

X - X-ray the alien, check for body composition similarities

Y - yes… it’s just an alien happiness UFO :alien:

Z - :zzz:

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A - amazing times

B - @Big_Tiger

C- cool

D- Dill Pickles :cucumber:

E- Everything

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