[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

F - @Fake_Happy

G- GJ I think that you have to do something

H - Hello world

i- I’m by myself

J - Just Dance

K- km I think that you

L - let’s N O


M- Make DHBM Great Again!

N - no… game is dead and done :white_check_mark:


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O - Oh, but if this game dies, what game will I play?

P - Playing Mirrorverse, duh.

Q- queehnnn

R - Right, I am so excited for that game to come out so I can play it

S- sphngih

T - That’s from the Corpse Bride, right?

U - uh yes :raised_hands:t4:

V- velocity

W - Wow every episode got 100% rotten tomatoes and audience score… and finale got 25% and 4.5….

So disappointments :speaking_head::cry:

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X- xolmo

Y - @yoyoyoyo

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