[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

T - @TheRealHero

U- uhuhyhu

v - @Velociraptor_VIII

W- @wunxbhdbwvcxghdb

X - @Xerife_Dumbo_II


Y- @yogiball

Z - @Zuzu_IV

A - Allay looks like a vex

B- bye

C - Copper golem

D- death

E - Eve of All Hallows’ is soon

F- Frontline

G - @gangstgangsta

H- @HypnoMike

I- Infuriating
Private messages will now be filtered for language and inappropriate content. It’s using the same filter system as public chat channels.
:point_up: “This is quite infuriating”

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J- join**

K - Kool thing actually (IMO)

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L- losing job

M - MasterStitch was my previous in game name before I changed it to my current TherMasterStitch

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