[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

N- no food~

O - oh look a tilde

are you @Commander-Rex?

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P- Probably… not. That appeared randomly while I was typing. Didn’t notice till I made the post. :sweat_smile:

Q - Quite surprised by how many content are coming to ACNH, cant wait to buy the HHP DLC.

R - Really happy about the new content but sad it’s the last major free update

S - Same here, but they brought a lot. What’s taking October so long to end?

T- TherMasterStitch

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U - U called me?

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V- vvell yes

W - well yes

X- @Xenocyde

Hi, my daily videos are not working …since about 4 weeks. Amazon kindle fire device. Dies anybody has an idea??:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

Y - You should make your own topic about this. This place is for posting something that starts with the letter after the previous comment.


Z- @Zootopia_fan

A- Azi (aka me)

B- Battle Badge

C - CodeMore6

New chain?

D- Donald Sterling

E - Ey who is your favorite new character?

F- Friday Nights at Funkin’s

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