[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

O- Opposite Sand

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P - Please stop mentioning any type of sand :slight_smile:

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Q- Quarantine

R - @RareDonut
How can a donut be rare :thinking:

S - Sand Donuts :slightly_smiling_face:


T - Think those donuts exist? They probably don’t and I hope they don’t

U- Universal Sand

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V - Very rare donuts
 but I have plenty of them :upside_down_face:

W- Wumbo


X - X because yes

Get rid of them, they are bad for the earth :frowning:

Y - Yes because sand donuts


Z- Zarude (Pokemon)

A- Animal

B- Bunsen & Beaker

C- Cookie

D- Darkwing Duck

E- EVERYTHING doesn’t matter

F - Fifteen hours later

G - 
goodness happens!

H - happens!

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