[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

U- U know who’s Djaq (The_Fox_Ghost) He’s the man who’s gonna Burn your house Down… with the Lemons

(Thanks Cannon)

V - Very disappointing, @TheCannonCart

W- Well, thanks again CannonFire

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X - :x:
I didnt even see blackboy typing :slightly_frowning_face:

Y- Yeah, I hate you again to Mispronunce bad my name

Z - Zee how evil I am? :)

A - Ah… so cute. No, you’re not evil at all


B - But I am
Imp = Evilness

C - Cute :blush:


D - Dang, your still insisting I am not evil?

E - Evil? Of course you’re not

F - Filadae_Djaq, you are wrong

G - Ghosts always know what they are saying

H - Have to approve, being a ghost MYSELF :smiley:

I - I know they dont :upside_down_face:

J - Just seeing what is Kracc Bacc’s most recent uploa—

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K- Kalling @Commander-Rex


L- @ Loutre

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M- Meeting Sussy Baka Impostor :flushed:

N - @NabangadNakUnay

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