[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

W - Will not forget W this time

X - Xits could beโ€ฆ ็‹Kitsune, ใ‚ญ ใƒ„ใƒใฏ้‡Ž็”Ÿๅ‹•็‰ฉใงใ™kitsune wa yasei dobutsudesu

Y- you guys know how to use the color text?

Z- Zo yes

A - Use the quote button

B - Bet I was very confused when I saw A start with U :dizzy:

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C - Cannon, there is a hidden A in that text

D - Dat I eventually saw

E- exciting to try their best

F- Fast Djaq

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G- Gio ok ok ok


H - Haha ok

I- I am ok

J - Jest is best :innocent:

K - (o)kay :ok:

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L- (L)ok(i)

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M - (M)ok(ey concept)

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N - (N)ok(k) (from Frozen)

O - ok

P - (P)ok(i)

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