[Fun and Games!] Disney Heroes: Battle Mode's Alphabet (Season 2)

U- Umpire

V - Venus

W- Wumpus

X - Xtremt


@C-train lost Regular

Y- You’re*

Z - Zes, They are

A- Albedo is Sus?

B - Bruh, the forum removed the 3rd Anniversary avatar but still has the 2nd Anniversary avatar :woozy_face:


C- confusion

D - Dis is it.

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E- Extra Fries

F - Fries

G - Gummy fries

H- Hexes

I - @IPutASpellOnYou

J- Jailed

K - Kneel!

L - Lmao, don’t think we will do that to a thing like a cannon


M - Maybe I was just copying Lian from Paladins :thinking:

N - Never heard of it

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