Just a few posts left to damage the creep
Op cat decides to attack the creep
Making skill pics is hard, somehow damages the creep
New concept coming soon, amazes and damages the creep
Two concepts to publish this week, it’s gonna be hard, somehow damages the creep
The creep thought it was a rickroll and somehow damages itself
I click the link
Joke’s on you. I’m using my laptop and can see where the link takes you:
The failed rickroll damages S&N
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Jokes on you, it wasn’t a rickroll. It was a stickroll
Oop, what was it?
Edit: I realised you changed your comment, It’s Henry Stickmin isn’t it?
S&N are confused
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S&N are wondering why I don’t have enough concepts
S is mad at you for spamming, but N likes it, so they fight and damage themselves