I click the link
Joke’s on you. I’m using my laptop and can see where the link takes you:
The failed rickroll damages S&N
Jokes on you, it wasn’t a rickroll. It was a stickroll
Oop, what was it?
Edit: I realised you changed your comment, It’s Henry Stickmin isn’t it?
S&N are confused
S&N are wondering why I don’t have enough concepts
S is mad at you for spamming, but N likes it, so they fight and damage themselves
The letter N and S damages the enemy
Very clever, I’m going off to cry now .
S&N are damaged by Henry Stickmin
Scrolling deals damage
S&N flag the post for spam
The scrolling damages the creep
The flag fails because I have the same avatar as Polaris, confusing the system and damaging the creep
Polaris changes their avatar damaging S&N
Polaris’s avatar is the same as DisneyFan’s avatar which confuses the creep, especially in Next Update thread