Jokes on you, it wasn’t a rickroll. It was a stickroll
Oop, what was it?
Edit: I realised you changed your comment, It’s Henry Stickmin isn’t it?
S&N are confused
S&N are wondering why I don’t have enough concepts
S is mad at you for spamming, but N likes it, so they fight and damage themselves
The letter N and S damages the enemy
Very clever, I’m going off to cry now .
S&N are damaged by Henry Stickmin
Scrolling deals damage
S&N flag the post for spam
The scrolling damages the creep
The flag fails because I have the same avatar as Polaris, confusing the system and damaging the creep
Polaris changes their avatar damaging S&N
Polaris’s avatar is the same as DisneyFan’s avatar which confuses the creep, especially in Next Update thread
Enemy dies of spam. No wait its alive lol
Spam gets flagged
ouch, the creep has sympathy pain