Game Falling Flat

I’m seeing too many people either getting burnt out or using the words "boring and tedious" to describe the game.

As for myself, I believe confidently that if some pretty tall order issues aren’t delt with swiftly, we as a whole are going to start seeing a drop in players at fairly regular intervals.

Easier Said Than Done - I know what some of you are thinking. “But Feral Nick, these changes take time and effort.” They do, but frankly, they need to be addressed or should have been addressed far before now and there is no time like the present. Which is also why I’ve included constructive criticism for each part I’m addressing. Some reminders about this game should detail that the mechanics are here to stay and the game isn’t suddenly going to become more interactive overnight unless the devs decide to start putting mini games in. People will get burnt out from the same grind day in and out and there isn’t anything to stop that, but these quality of life changes could certainly do wonders.

Heists - The way these are right now, they feel like more of a chore than being fun. I know FAR too many people that share the same sentiments due to AFKs, instant thefts before anyone can react, and the sheer length of time it takes to actually do one.

Heists Fix - AFKs can be fixed simply by allowing other people to manipulate their heros if they haven’t done anything for at least a minute or so. Something tells me that wouldn’t be too hard to implement. Neither would delaying the thiefs ability to instantly steal a gem within the first 30 seconds. The length of time issue could be resolved by loweing the amount of investigating it takes to find the hideout. It drastically needs to be lowered to at least half of what it is now.

Friendship Campaign - I feel like everyone I talk to at higher tiers is basically sitting on 50 friend energy all the time until they pretty much star up a hero. This is a terrible setup and its wasting a large part of the game to the point where everyone in my guild talks about how useless extra friend energy boosts are.

Friendship Campaign Fix - Make them substantially easier or allow players to replay older friend campaigns. I don’t have any other comments on this because there really isn’t any other way to fix this without implementing more game avenues to use friend energy.

City Watch - This is a personal pet peeve of mine on top of pretty much everyone else I know thats high level. The way its set up right now, City Watch actually punishes you for being higher level in power level. I’ve PERSONALLY gone up against level 140 teams and they’re pretty much impossible to beat. Its been an issue for MONTHS and with upcoming patch notes its said it is going to be addressed supposedly, but we’ll see.

City Watch Fix - Number one, any character with disabling effects is pretty much useless for the section 5 gameplay. Any ability with the “May not work on enemies above level ___” might as well get tossed out the window making any contol characters pointless to have. This mechanic needs to not apply to city watch. The only other fix I can see for this is tweaking the maximum level enemies can be, lowered from what it is now.

Arena - I don’t hear complaints about Colliseum, but I sure do hear them about Arena. Stagnation is the culprit here. I know too many people trapped in an arena group that are just in a neverending revolving door of dethroning each other from top 5 and no one advances. Its why the top players on my server are all taking turns putting 1 champion in their teams so everyone else can advance. Is it cheating? Yeah. It is. But guess what? The design is horrible and frankly, I don’t blame them for it.

Arena Fix - Start off with an automatic mixing up every week of a new league you are placed in. That way, people get mixed around and don’t get stuck with the same 30 people slapping each other down and never advancing. Next, start making it mandatory to have 5 people on a team. Next, lower the amount of time it takes to advance by half of what it is now.

Diamond Crates - There is another post floating around about it, but they sum it up perfectly. There shouldn’t even be blue badges in those at this point. A lot of people I talk to won’t even buy them now because of it. I could see this on new servers, but it most definitely shouldn’t be included on the older servers.

Diamond Crate Fix - Easy. Take blue badges out for older servers. Done.

Pay to Win - This isn’t going away. I’ve accepted that and so have a lot of other people on my server that still have fun with the game. However, when I see the same person win every single contest with first place every single time since I’ve started playing it SEVERELY deters anyone from even caring about trying for a spot in the top ten. Am I mad at someone else for being insanely rich or crazy enough to spend tens of thousands of dollars on this game? No. That isn’t the issue. The issue is that there isn’t contests OUTSIDE of the construct of being able to spend money to win these contests.

Pay to Win Fix - No one wants to time sink games. No one wants to spend 500 dollars to win a single event, but there are a few of us who would. However, in a manner of competition, these things do matter. I personally believe contests should revolve around time put in and nothing else, but thats my perfect little view on it that isn’t ideal. What the game really needs is better events that don’t adhere to the mechanics we currently have, and that isn’t something to easily overcome. As it stands right now, its not looking good for events and might not ever.

Afterthoughts - I really do hope a community manager or someone at least spot reads this. I wish the best for this game and its obvious that the developers care about it as well. Its suffering from a plethora of issues, but some bandaids would help.


Great post, you’ve targetted a lot of the games biggest problems all in one.

Heist: Instant valuable steal must be stopped, I also believe 30 seconds is the perfect number. If you get all your characters stacked on one side of the map you need a good 30 seconds to reach the other side.

As for AFK, not convinced being able to manipulate another heroes is the best solution…because what if you were away for a few minutes and come back? That would be strange. But something does need to happen here.

An idea I had was to award 1 heist token for every 5 minutes defending (if all 5 toons defend, that’s 1 token per minute). This should encourage AFK’s to at least defend…and check in to make sure they stay defending.

Friendship Campaign: I agree being able to replay missions as a means to farm tokens so the energy doesn’t go to waste when your stuck on other missions would be great.

City Watch: Oh god…has become the most boring and tedious part of the game. I don’t even play hard anymore…I’m capable…but it’s too time consuming and frustrating doing constant repeats - especially when the game renders half of my characters useless.

Easy solution here…don’t allow the opponent to exceed the current server level cap. Just bump their skills or disks to equalize / elevate total power. Not exceeding max levels

Arena: I’ve posted a bunch of ideas on this one before too, such as freeze demotion timer for positions 6 to 10, reduce the size of the leagues &/or reduce time to promote. Coliseum works, Arena doesn’t.

Diamond Crates: 100%, blue badges should be removed once you hit team level 50. As a newer players they can be handy…but when everyone is purple it’s a joke. I was happy to buy them as a new player, but now I’ll never buy one. not worth it.

Pay to Win: Not sure what to add here…where will always be whales. Whales keep the game free for the free to plays.


I agree that Heist is really boring and long…it is like a duty rather than fun and i agree with most of your points.See this post @Polaris

So the Heist Essentially needs an entire re-work. I’m not the highest level or among them I stopped leveling so my few guildies could catch up, but It’s a hassle.

      First it needs it's own update, the instant theft really grinds my gears something fierce and literally makes no sense 1 time the thief took 2 gem's almost simultaneously....Simple fix as stated extend time.
     Second AFK; solution after 2 mins allow the person that started the Heist to kick them. Giving the heist owner this power will also solve the problem of "People that don't understand heist Mechanics" ruining Heist. I can't tell you how often I have had people that were "AFK" only steal other people's Battles. If you could drop them boom problem solved. I say 2 mins because of slow network and game crash.
        Third; I have run into what I want to call an "Endless Heist" we had max clues and the smallest circle and couldn't find hideout or thief long behold the hideout wasn't even in the circle and this has happened twice. Another simple fix just rework mechanics and kill bugs.

The City Watch- For me it’s fine well almost fine. I feel that zone 5 is the only Zone that should have substantially harder fights. 1-2 should be slightly weaker than player, but focus on teams that have great composition. 3-4 should be equal to player level and strength, and 5 should be higher. I too have faced teams that made me scream “WTF” literally screenshot it and made it a mission to copy them.
I have hit Platinum in the Arena and it has become the revolving door I got close to promoting 1 time and when I hit 1 hour I was beaten back from 1 to 37. Fix promotion timer shouldn’t go so fast. It should freeze your remaining time and after an hour of no progress begin increasing it. Also since there is no real way to stop people from pummeling you back to the stone age they should award each branch a set prize that also increases based on how many fights you used that day and won…this would allow people stuck in loops a better chance to strengthen and move up. In Coliseum and the arena.
Lastly (cause I’m way tired) Events; they can keep these events they have. Just add new ones that don’t cater to pay 2 play. I understand Pay2Play is a needed feature, but it shouldn’t be the only 1 and as I love this game I hope someone sees this and says yes. So another kind of Event could be using guild members mercs(Caring is sharing haha), badge collection Event, more events like that pirates of the Caribbean 1 that was fun. Just some overall food for thought. Catch you out there all.

I like the First idea. Everybody’s gonna compete to guard. But maybe up the tokens to 2-3 per 5 minutes per heroes

Very good post and suggestions. I hope pb listens @Etesian @Polaris

Heist - agree completely

Friendship - don’t think we need something else to spend it since there’s alot of friendships. The insane buff of some heroes (Mr I) would be best with the option to replay previous missions would fix alot.

City watch - it’s still winnable at hard (I had lvl 170 today), but it’s really tedious. Fix the insane scaling of the matchmaking.

Arena - no comments

Diamond crate - agree completely

Events - agree. More like the Incredibles and pirates event. Think everyone liked those the most.

Your idea was great. However, you should know that the developer created a game for us to have fun, but for them is to make money. as their STRATEGY is to find a way to get more money out of people. Sure they will listen to your idea as long as it’s a bug that can’t have in game, or easy fix, but have to not cause them any financial problems (like pay more to the developers to fix it, or fix something that make people pay less)
So, some of your ideas will be listened since it sure is an easy fix, but others like the one which tries to fix dias crate and p2w contest, i am pretty that those will never be fix

This is the very best post about this game. It bundles up a lot of the current issues the game has. Maybe Mr. @Polaris can adress these worries at the next team meeting with Perblue ?

Lmao why was this comment flagged? Its a bit true


Whenever you criticie sth you get flagged…happens to me from times to times
Don’t worry ^^

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I sometimes wonder how strong you guys are.
Have you figured out the nodes of crates.
Can you spot a contest a mile away.

Do you time long term strategies.
You all probably all learnt this game has an easy learning curve but you must remember, there is always a loop and path that you must jump,
yet you go to the rollercoaster manager screaming your lungs out instead of taking the jump.
Today i took note of a 500 power increase in surge (something else interested me) so i told my guild about this uniqueness adding the 500 power increase in the statement.
They began failing hard one by one (we still completed too easy)… then i realised, it seems what is small for me is a deal breaker for
Them, i assumed they knew which hero was important, which skillpoint to prudently monitor in surge and in their own line ups.
Some didnt even prepare for coliseum because they dont know what that even is.

You talk about emotional bugs even to each other.
You dont know why these bugs are targeting you, rotating arena… heist … city watch.
You seem to be in limbo because youre so close to heaven
Within this game, there are games, within those games there are intuition games. - sister rider

To rephrase a quote from a french prisoner, the old man from the count of monte cristo:

you know how many bricks are in this game… but have you named them all yet.

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Honestly, what needs to be added to the list is a change in energy gain. Gaining more energy directly to damage taken seems logical, but when your team is losing to less developed teams, it stops. This core principle actually encourages not developing characters.

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Cw has become nearly impossible for me 98 level enemies with perfect teams in the final 2 stages can not beat them with my maxed out but weakened team. Gets too frustrating but it is fundamental for other modi in game so I missed more and more things the last week. Wont spend anymore for the game. The balancing is off there and it might be on purpose


I’ll be honest @Feral_Nick, when I read the title I instantly assumed this would be unreasoned whining like a lot of these post, but I was way wrong. This is a legit, well though suggestion list with a lot of good ones in here. very similar to some things I was thinking.

I really think your arena ideas, the mix up would be sweet. Arenas in these types of game seem to get stale after a while, this would help keep it fresh.

Nice list

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Glad to see a lot of people are on the same page. Thanks @AgentGoofy.

I agree! Thank you @Feral_Nick for not making another post just complaining about the same things over and over, but rather a thoughtful and well put together post with reasonable suggestions to fix the issues

Thanks @Feral_Nick

Hope devs will now do something about this issues

Yes, thank you! We do appreciate it when players have thoughtful, constructive feedback about the game. I do read all the posts here and pass the topics along to the team, so you don’t need to tag me. I probably won’t reply to most threads, but I do read them all.


2 down! City Watch and the Friendship Campaigns are leaps and bounds better.

Heist’s problem is the inactive people. We should be able to boot them from it. Knowing there are people who join just to finish the daily is rude and unfair to those who actually make sure the heist gets finished.

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