Game Improvements - November 22-25

I think it would be good to decrease the level requirement for friendship unlocks again as many of them of the newest friendships require over level 100, which is really high and not easily accessible or players, especially new players who has to start leveling up from the beginning.

I think having friendship story content more easily accessible would be nice, which might mean that it should be untied to the disk unlock level.
Like I think level 60-80 if not before level 60 it would be nice to access the mission story content if not the friend campaign story content.
I know the friendship unlock level has been reduced before, so I think now is a good time to do it again as many friends require over level 100 and let more newer players enjoy more story content.

Another thing I think is that that the general EXP requirement for team levels should be reduced at least some to make it easier for new players to level up, and at the same time making it more enjoyable.
If not generally level requirement at least under level 100 I think would be good.

Over level 100 I think it would be nice depending on how far you are from the max level, your level requirement reduces a bit.
If I remember right 10 000 EXP was okey as we usually were able to get to the max level just in time for the update or a little afterwards.
Current with a EXP requirement of 15 000 EXP I have no chance of catching up and are at level 134.

An idea I think would be to have so that if you are 5 levels under the level cap your level requirement to level up reduces by 1000 EXP or at least 500 EXP if 1000 EXP is a bit much. Should overall help players catching up and be happier with the game.

Like others have mentioned as well, a way to read the Campaign story would be really nice, or just have the story text pop up when you click on the in-between places even if you can’t battle on them like now :-).

Server 5, level 134.

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That one’s easy. Level out all the characters a lot rather than constantly releasing new characters that are instantly stupidly more useful than all the others.

Some way of trading/exchanging hoarded and overstocked items for something actually useful.

Server 5, TL 144


We. Need.Anna.

Definitely could make the progress goal more realistic in the coop contest for one as merge the rest of the servers who seem to dieing

Ich hätte gerne ähnlich wie Arena einen Kampfmodus wo 7 gegen 7 kämpfen (aktuell 5 vs 5). Oder 9 gegen 9. Denke das wäre sehr lustig und würde die Balance etwas verändern. Genug Helden haben wir ja.

Since game is all about collecting new heroes/villains…

Of course new characters, never enough of them!

  • Kim Possible (as always, still waiting… and waiting, oh god, how long?) but let go further
  • (Adventures of the Gummi Bears) Zummi Gummi
  • Bonkers D. Bobcat
  • (The Great Mouse Detective) Basil
  • Phineas & Ferb
  • Agent P
  • Heinz Doofenshmirtz
  • Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers heroes
  • (UP movie) Russell and Dug
  • Rapunzel
  • Chernabog

Other ‘‘new things’’

  • Balancing CW
  • Re-make of arena and coli
  • Reality, starting shield, attack speed and fantasic crit mods upgrade finally be available
  • More rewards at-once in invasion, without adding new tiers (single tier could just give 3 rewards)
  • Solid hero refresh for all old heroes
  • Making Heist more fun + adding higher difficulty
  • Since heroes are now travelling all around Disney’s movies, I suggest Elephant Graveyard to be one of places/backgrounds.
  1. surge limit options: actually when set surge limit we can only chose 10/20/no limit; this doesnt help guilds with not all players doing surge and doesnt help during events. I believe that add some more extra steps in the limit settings shouldnt be too hard for devs so i suggest to have much more options as limit, these options: 10 - 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 50 - no limit. This way every guild can keep surge under control much better getting best benefits for the whole guild and also for the players

  2. Rewards at reaching level cap: every time a new level cap get released there is a new medal for reaching it… but the reward is just 5 chips for one of the old heroes from the roster of the worlwide launch of the game so bogo felix dash and so on… I was thinking to suggest to give as rewards something better like for example 5 chips of the sign-in hero of that month, but, since sign-in hero isnt the same for all servers i am not sure that is possible or easy to do for devs, so maybe just give something useful but not too relevant as prize… a few options may be 1 10x diamond crates item or 10 stamina refill bottles or 150 diamonds or 2M gold… i mean something interesting for all players from f2p players to the biggest whales; cause reach level cap and get 5 dash chips as reward really seems like a bad joke…

  3. Another surge, cw and heist difficulty level: i know a lot of people struggling in super hard cw or cant complete 20 waves in surge but top players in top guilds on the other hand do it too easy… when something is too easy it can quick become boring cause no challenge means no interest… since add another difficulty level wont hurt low players but will just keep high level players busy i dont see why you shouldnt give a much more wide offer for difficulty to give everybody a good right and funny challenge to do every day.

  4. More discount perks for markets and for requested resources: i believe we should get a refresh to all the discount perks available, a few examples: 2 more discount level on each market to get 8% and then 10% with perk at 5th level, 2 more for skills upgrade cost reduction to go 8% and then 10% and also same 5 levels perks (2% each level) on disk power for each disk level, mod power for each mod level and xp requested to level up heroes. This wont hurt the game economy too much but will be a little help for everybody and will also make every player much more happy… and you know that having an happy player base helps to keep the game alive

  5. Few more ways to get both disk and mod power with daily quest, events, daily mode (cw heist surge…) cause really guys after lv90 for disks and lv40 for mods its impossible to level up even getting top rewards from invasion events and all daily chance and rewards from play…

  6. A co-leader unique role: if the leader is not online no one can change 2 very important settings in the guild, the requested level to join and the requested rank to use extra attcks in war, not even champions; these settings (expecially for low and medium level guilds) are necessary and must exist but sometimes you may need to change them immediately to get a new member or to use that last extra that may help win a war and if ruler is not online (cmon everybody has a life) you cant do anything. So i suggest to create a new role of co-leader or vice ruler or whatever name you like the most that must have a few limitations like be assigned only to 1 player, not being assigned to someone in the guild from less than 100 days and dont be assigned again (if the dude gets demoted) before 10 days. This way every ruler will think wisely before assign it. Of course a ruler can chose to not use that role and not assign it. Also the co ruler shouldnt not be able to kick or demoted champions to avoid crazy people from erase the whole guild by kick everybody like happened here and there after some players went crazy…

  7. War car perks should work in percentage not with numbers: at max level car defensive perks give a bonus or a malus to heroes in war but the numbers of both bonus and malus are a joke now with R+1 lv140 heroes (and R+2 lv145 in 2 days…) -9500 hp, +400 armor, +950 basic damage, -475 basic damage, +450 reality and +950 skill power are insignificant numbers now that some heroes have 520.000hp 50.000 basic damge or 70.000 skill power… working on percentage those defensive perks would be much more relevant in war fights and would give to cars a much more strategic importance, cause actually wars between biggest guilds are just close 1 car in bottom row, then 1 in middle row then try clear all top row. I suggest give every level a 0.5% of bonus/malus this way maxed perks will give +/-8% (at level 16) on a specific stat; 8% isnt too much to make war crazy and is not even too low… cause waste dozens of milions of guild influence to get level 16 on all cars for -400 basic damage and +450 reality really doesnt worth that much effort…

  8. Much more space in friend list… cause its really too small… and also in the research menu we should need to be able to search also players by name not only guilds!

  9. A better menu for the friendship mission that will at least auto-exclude mission for these disks already at 5 stars


Rotation for mod upgrade please, i have enough purple skill up, lets rotate it to green skill level up, attack speed up, and hp up


More value from time spent in the game, i.e. more return from time investment.

  • Themed PvP days/weeks - Bonus token rewards for using certain heroes (maybe from collections or teams), really anything to spice up PvP.

  • Mid week mini contests (24hrs) with only progress rewards, giving extra incentive to a certain activity - Heist/Surge/Invasion/PvP/Farming… the rewards could be themed to that activity as well, maybe they could be prepping us form a contest that w/end.

  • An additional endgame mode involving friendships. I’d love to see friendships taken further in some way.

  • Additional means of earning Disk Power, Mod Power and Mod fragments by playing - Harder difficulty settings in Heist and some new incentives in Invasion (maybe the mini contests?).


Complete rework of Invasion. Invasion as it stands now is not fun, is to hard, takes to much time, and if you don’t have a maxed out team for each of three teams you can’t accomplish squat. Even when devoting 4 hours a day to Invasion alone.
What I think would be best?
Remove the tier system entirely. Instead upon defeating a boss you get 10 Mod Crates. Mod crates give mod power mod, advancing material, mod upgrade pieces and some of the other things you normally get from tires as well as mod tokens. The drops get better the higher the level of the boss. Small amounts of mod tokens also drop from breaker quests. The Mod shop would be a new shop where you can buy mods, mod advancing material and mod upgrade pieces. Also in order to help balance invasion for F2P players make power ups drop more frequently and make so that breaker quests enemies power up slower or start out with only one member of the enemy team being powered up. Another thing which would help F2P players is nerfing the Bosses health, because as it stands now I don’t have much trouble with dieing to the boss but running out of time. Others way to combat this problem include: Making it possible to hire mercenaries in invasion or extending the amount of time you have to fight a boss in invasion.

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We do not need raid tickets!

We do, or else we would have to fight a campaign like 1,000 times

If i could change one thing it would be more places to complete collections. Often times the options we have for completing collections are far too powerfull for heros that we havent spent alot of time on because of the newer more useful heros coming out.

December shop refresh

Eek, I nearly missed this topic!

Change one thing?

I would revert the Invasion reward nerf. It takes the most time out of all modes, but it gives some of the least rewards. At least giving an extra mod around tier 12 would feel better.

New things?

I’d very much like to see more Invasion bosses. Fighting Mama bot over and over again has gotten stale.
Another thing that would be fun is challenges where you have to defeat a certain team, like beating 5 Hades(Me)'s. This idea is taken from one of my favorite topics, which had the idea for it to be it’s own dedicated gamemode. Link here.


Change two things:

  1. redesign the friend mission ui - at least give an option to sort from lowest friendship level to highest for the simple reason: I don’t need to start missions for friendship level 15 anymore but want to run low level missions and currently I have to scroll down a pretty huge list already - and I‘m on S16 without all possible friendship missions…

  2. take the slider back for the skill levels: it‘s buggy and not useful as you now have always 2 clicks to get one point. Please note: for increasing the mods I like the new slider it’s just for the she skill menu not useful.

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Already posted it elsewhere. Would love a “confirm” button on max raids. The max is quite close to the 10 raid. Its a common misclick. Just simply add a “are you sure” prompt before hand. Thanks.


Oh man, only one. Well, the badge system. Yes it’s fun the reference that you make with them, but get them afther the orange rarity and above (I’m seeing you red rarity) is a completely pain to do it. And a MUST to do it with every heroe because you wants to do the friendship campaign and oh dear the resto of the heroes are ridiculously underpowered for pass that friendship making impossible to complete your daily task or to enjoy the stories crafted by you in a hard way. I enjoy entire this part of the game and I’m amazed that people like me is unable to see them because a wall block you for passing and in the other hand i know people from Facebook that play and spend a lot here, that when i ask for the friendships they told me “i really don’t care this character with this disk is overpowered and that’s what i really care”. Unbelievable.

Some suggestions.
*A costume shop. With a kind of collection style, like “Valentine’s Fight” and there will be Ballroom Beast, Wedding Tuxedo Gaston, Wedding dress Callhoun, Wedding Tuxedo Felix, Etc. “Pijama Party” with there Merida, Moana, and so on from Wreak-it Ralph 2 movie clothes that used the princess. Also they don’t need to be inspired by the movies or tv shows, if you are allowed you can do some from your own. Like a “Winter wonderland” one with Yzma in a purple coat, Ursula using a red scarf, the coronation dress of Elsa, some winter clothes for Miss Piggy and so on. And if you complete a set you receive energy packs, gold or diamonds depending of how hard or how much costumes are there.

*A “lab” where we can exchange our chips (with a cooldown and only some of the random selection allowed for the day) to get vials that can be used for craft badge bits, costume threads or other hero chips (again form a random selection allowed for that day), but having also slots to do the jobs of crafting or change the hero chips to vials. (Maybe Von Drake’s lab or Frinklestine one)

*Event campaigns. A special campaign from the city map that os available during big events that gives us more stories related with the heroes in their day to day in the city. During this campaign the drops from this special campaign will be coins and event currency, that can be exchange for limited time heroes chips, badges or random market currency. For example, “Valentine’s Madness” where Aladdin, Beast, Jack Skellington (Maybe too Nick Wilde) are preparing a Valentine’s surprise for their respective couples but trouble is right the corner as the creeps ruin it and they run now against the clock to have fixed the surprise before the end of the day. Or “The creep before Christmas” where the town is preparing for the holidays but the gifts were stolen by a thief creep, and now Chief Bogo, Jack, Judy, Nick and Woody go to patrol the streets trying to catch the thief, while Scrooge McDuck is being tormented by some ghosts for being so greedy all the year, but nothing is safe while the Villains fools Gaston to deliver cursed gifts to all the children’s in the city and now Bo Peep, Rex, Buzz and Jessie go to save the city.

From server 2, team level 145.

  1. Full rework for system of achievements. 5 Felix’s chips in 115 lvl - it’s just horrible.
  2. All game modes come down to fighting or raiding and become very similar. I think each mode could have its own feature for more interesting gameplay.
  3. Also each mode could have its own plot. I think it will motivate us to play these modes.
  4. Remove badges and bottles XP from shops and Black market/Megamart. Or lower its costs.
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