Game is in a update loop

So you know this isn’t on PerBlue and the developers, it is on Amazon from what I understand so you can try to contact Amazon’s support staff and hear with them if they know something :-).


It is not though. It’s on play store. On a nexus phone

Lol Kira are you on the payroll ?

No, just like to help if I can :-).

I totally agree.

Anyone have any clue as to if Amazon is going to release the update?

C’est dont bien long!

Hi there! Sorry I left early yesterday for a wedding, but I was checking my phone while I was out and had let the team know that the update did not seem to go through and asked Polaris to give you guys an update, which they did!

We’re basically trying to push the update with Amazon again and are not sure why it is still not working, but the team is working on getting answers. We absolutely understand all this frustration and once it is fixed we do plan on sending out a compensation for downtime dealt with for Amazon users only.


How are the guild leaders going to know that players aren’t just not there but unable to play and don’t get kicked out of the guild

The update should be getting pushed live to Amazon very soon.


What time?

This sucks. We Are going on 3 days of missing so much stuff.

I know and they literally just realised go go!

Louder when will the update reach Amazon!

Update should be live on Amazon app stores! Please let me know if you are having issues.

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It worked!!! Thank you Amazon!!

I still haven’t seen any update as of a min ago… Got the update finally

Is the compensation coming To the game yet?

It’s the weekend and Perblue takes break during the weekend, so if nothing came yesterday, you might have to wait until Monday.

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Ok. Its just loutre said yesterday that it would be sent yesterday but it wasn’t. But good point.

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