Game is in a update loop

Its 12:45 and I checked ad it still says Open not update.

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Yep should be working if that’s the correct time but nope.

Gimme a break. :pensive::pensive:

Loutre, its not working still.

Is it working for ANYONE yet?

Not here mate

Man, I’m really mad right now.

My daughter has been very upset . I’m fed up of trying to install it for her tbh .

Same. I Can’t sleep at night worrying if I won’t be able to play for a while.

Have you put money into it too?

Yes! I have!

I understand the frustrations, but yeah as it still is kind of early since promised today why not put on some Youtube for a while and see if the update is up when finished watching Youtube :-).

Loutre! HElp me please!

Thanks kira, put I literally have been watching it for a while waiting for this.

I’m beginning to believe, it’s not coming back.

A lot of times they just give you a generic answer but they themselves don’t know anything (just my opinion)

Just imagine Netflix doing this to paying customers. If it does not come back. Then I’d like the money I’ve spent on my daughters account put in mine and I’ll give her this account. The only reason I started playing it was to play along with my daughter . £500 plus at least in perblues account from mine and this just isn’t good enough tbh

We’re still working on this. We will get access restored for Amazon players.
Thanks for being patient!


I just went to check if my babe had been kicked from her guild and it says she was on 35 minutes ago ? She wasn’t though

You can’t complete wars, you will prob get kicked from guilds, contests will drop, your invasion will finish . ECT it’s gotta be fixed. About to drop the game all together. I spend alot of money in this game and i expect good quality game. not this garage

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