Gizmo nerf complain thread

I am all in on gizmo nerf

Not like this

Not without increasing invation rewards

Not without changing breakers to start something less than the cap

Not without nerfing mama bot

Not with the introduction of a damage hero with no cap

Its was done in a horrible matter
I use gizmo in pvp shang goliath team counter this nerf effected gizmos first spot light for a chance of being in pvp


Yes. This is the second time (well if we count Mr.Inc would be third time) that they nerf a hero that was helping a lot in Invasion after a lot of people spended a lot of money.

In my case the Next invasion slayer will be upgraded slowly. I won’t spend a dime on them lol.

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Just One thing Its Invasion
Hope It helps
Thanks :slight_smile:

Auto correct

Just tested between scrooge,jack jack doesnt work…Better thann them is Eq…Btw Thanks all for suggestions

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I saw a couple of vague mentions in this forum about Gizmoduck being great for invasion back in May, but the first comments I saw that specifically spelled out how OP he was and why he was able to do it were in early June by people who disliked his dominance in invasion and wanted PerBlue to nerf him. Good luck getting people like that to stay silent.

What did they do to nerf Mr. Incredible in invasion?

Unpopular opinion time: I think Invasion is the least fun mode of the game; it’s all about finding the one optimal team for each color and grinding that team for hours of the exact same battle every week. I never saw Gizmoduck as a way to make Invasion fun, but as a way to cut back on the time I spend doing something I don’t care for.


Someone told me something about it but I don’t remmber. But from my perspective the fact that the armour shred can only be stack up to 3 times.

It’s always been like that.

Then it’s Meh

Another bo peep and gizmo.

I will be very curious to see the change in the “game stats” that they claim to have been observing that prompted this change.

We have SS from previous Invasions on Server 2. It will be fun (but depressing) to see just how far the scores fall. I expect maybe a 5-10 fold drop.

Glad many of us were wise to try and max out Tiers yesterday in expectation of our now impotent robot friend Gizmo.

I’ve seen a few people say that.
Why is everyone hating on Bo Peep?
When did she get a nerf?

Yeah. She got nerf. She was also good in invasion.

Basically, before patch 1.16 in late February, Bo Peep’s Woody disk allowed her to reduce mama’s armor all the way to 0; afterwards, there was a limit to how far she could reduce its armor, and she went from insanely OP in invasion to, at best, moderately helpful. Gizmoduck is basically Bo 2.0.


From server two myself… and sadly I don’t believe their stat collecting one bit. Before the server merge, people were saying too many people are quiting and probably needs a merge of servers, and they said no merger is needed according to their stats, then later they admitted one was needed after all. I believe what I see playing, and what I see things look grim. A lot of people morale is down and this Gizmo nerf basically making invasion impossible Really pissed a lot of people off from those I talk to and see on here, not just Becuase gizmo was nerfed, but the fact mama bots were not proportionally nerfed as well and rewards have not been buffed. I’ll keep playing ,don’t get me wrong, but pb has a lot of work to do to gain the respect of most players back from what I see.


And this not just from the game lost of respect…

  1. short And rare q & a sessions that only answered like three questions people had , when was asked ahead of time for topics and questions (yes were a lot, and some really were repeative, and not really on topic to actually game play future expectations). But could have been reviewed ahead of time and made a summary of answers when first started to avoid those questions being asked again like others like @Pipsqueak has said afterwards.

  2. Promising things coming to the game or forums just to be delayed with no date of when (see kim possible, another state of the game address, etc). Might be better just not to say anything till things look definitely coming out in a few days from statement to be honest to not hype expectations just to disappoint people’s expectations.

  3. Not treating everyone equally with rules/tos reviewment
    The list can go on. Like I said hope things can change for the better, and maybe some things like this gizmo nerf, can be closer to what we expect And be reversed or new toons with this ability be introduced without making older toons that had a similiar affect useless/diminished can help close this gap that these types of nerfs created.


A new toon will come is all ready a cycle. 1.Bo peep: her nerf came 7-8 moth later of her release
2. Gizmo: his nerf came 7-8 month as well.
New heroes will get nerf and the list will go on if PB does not change.

I agree with everything u said.

Good point, just edited my message a bit To reflect that.

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Yeah I can barely scratch a bot now sure invasion is possible… if I spend 100-200$ to max out the proper heroes to make it possible. Using all my best red heroes with skills that damage armor gets me about 1-2% damage.

The reward system is terrible the only way invasion is really worth doing is if you can constantly do well and get all the tiers.

The whole point we (at least I) am mad about is that I don’t want to spend 100+ just trying to beat invasion. The rewards are worth about a days work as far as I’m concerned. Upgrading 1 mod to max from start was like 6-8million? Ridiculous. As someone that was beating invasion Consistently every week for a while And getting all tier rewards+ placement rewards. I still haven’t got one mod that’s maxed out.


How much you’ll add? 10k 100k 1000k?
Why you made a cap at all?

Respect our needs and stop nerfing our good toons just for no reason

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