Gizmo nerf complain thread

@big_kahuna_2319i believe he was talking about Sharp and Ray but either way it shouldn’t have been brought up or worded like that.

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Oh wow! Thank you for taking the time to find that note and sharing it! I had no idea that they capped that disc!!!

Bo and Merida was my super combo in Invasion. I honestly tethered Bo to Meg and used them on any color Invasion. But dang. I had no idea they nerfed that. It was around that time that I noticed damage went way down and switched to using other lineups. I looked at her skills, but didn’t realize it was the disc that got capped.

Good grief PerBlue.
Is it an embarrassing lack of forethought or just shameless, repeated bait and switch???
I don’t know. Don’t know which is a worse look either. SMH😒


I use him during war attacks against tanky teams and I use him in my defence occasionally

First off @Polaris and fellow PB…you have officially killed invasion and ANY way that we are going to get parts for mods. Since the update went live, no guild has even obtained 10m points increase…meaning gizmoduck wasnt broken, you thought you needed to fix something that was broken. Seriosuly, how are we to get parts for mods and for enhancements?! Pay real money for them?

Highly reconsider what you have done…because your killing a good game with your “research” and by not listening to those who pay for you to do this job…you will soon be out of a job or onto another gimmick to screw mobile game players out of their hard earned money.


Lol. Who flagged this comment? If you can’t take criticism, why have a feedback board.


It was disrespectful criticism

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Sorry. It was not.

You can’t disrespect pb or you will get flagged, and they disrespected them

“Greedy pocket gnomes”, while a fantastic use of language, is not very respectful of PB.


I didn’t say anything about temp. He posted an example about someone’s bot being 76k I know that guy was getting insane scores in invasion before gizmo was even a thing. Just making a point because those 2 specific players go all out doesn’t mean everyone else will

Sorry did not mean to offend. Just making the point because he used Sharps bot as an example and reason to nerf gizmo, which is silly. Because sharp can probably do that without gizmo anyways cause he was always the king of invasion. Also saying that just because 2 players like spending more time on the game mode doesn’t mean anyone else will want to.

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Thought there was hope after it was said under 10k bots shouldn’t notice the difference, but it’s big and noticable. :blush:


Situation … :sleepy: :sleepy:




But I can’t see the Kool Aid man :thinking:


As much as I hate to see Gizmoduck nerfed, I can recognize just how ridiculous this is. Surely, though, they could have left him stronger than being unable to hit 10% damage on a level 400 bot; at that point, I wonder if he’s still worth using in Invasion even in red.

I’m afraid the real problem has been lost among all the Gizmoduck-centric complaints, though: for the vast majority of players, Invasion takes up too much time for too little reward, with no hope for reaching the highest tiers and the resources that are available only to those who can advance that far. I suspect the only ones able to get all the tiers in Invasion are (1) whales, and (2) people in guilds where most members are willing to put in a couple of hours a day playing Invasion. I’d like to see some changes made or heroes introduced to at least allow more people to reach those top tiers, but I’m not holding my breath.


As much as I hate to see Gizmoduck nerfed, I can recognize just how ridiculous this is.

Eventough it’s ridiculous u did not actually get anything worth out of having bots that high. At the end it was among the top players to see who had more points.
But I do agree it was kinda ridiculous.

Surely, though, they could have left him stronger than being unable to hit 10% damage on a level 400 bot; at that point.

I tougth it would atleast do 10% too. But they just teased it with the “will not be noticeable”

I wonder if he’s still worth using in Invasion even in red.

I don’t think it is. I tried using it and he did nothing.

I suspect the only ones able to get all the tiers in Invasion are (1) whales, and (2) people in guilds where most members are willing to put in a couple of hours a day playing Invasion.

Literally the only 2 group of people that manage to do invasion.

I’d like to see some changes made

Me too.

or heroes introduced to at least allow more people to reach those top tiers,

Mhhh… basicly PB nerfs those. Bo and Gizmo. So unless they actually make a hero that they design to destroy bots I don’t see much future.

but I’m not holding my breath.

Me neither.


I mean, is there a way for gizmo to be useful or is invasion doomed forever?

Like can armor shredders help gizmo?

If u will use more armour shredder why use gizmo? The damage gizmo did was from staking armour. So tnx to he cap he is useless now.

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Why was gizmos suit scan powerful? How much armor does the mama bot even have?

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