Gizmo nerf complain thread

Mr inc reduces the bots armor by 86%

PB takes the notes :fountain_pen:


LMAO this maked my cry :joy:

I don’t blame him for not wanting to share teams.

  1. People could forward the teams.

  2. People in his server some could beat the guild score/position and such.

  3. He/she could be afraid of PB finding out and nerfing or something like that.

I may know the line, then; I’ve seen someone rack up ridiculous damage with an off-color shredder, a new hero, and three old/'old" standards. Just not sure if the line I’ve seen could burn through all the tiers that quickly, but it seems possible.

If it’s the line I’m thinking of, a variant of it may start leaking out soon, with one of the older heroes replaced by a new hero.

Now I just have to decide whether I want to work on that one new hero in the likely event that’s the key to advancing in invasion, or whether it’s worth the trouble and the diversion of resources…

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After that comment everyone is like: :eye: :lips: :eye:

But I don’t think many people will have access to it tough. Most people are keeping it low/quiet since the nerf.

Yeah, sorry about being vague, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about other people’s work before they’ve made it (more) public.

That’s 100% ok. Did not meant to put pressure at all. I was just joking about it. Sorry.

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