Gizmo nerf complain thread

They have a point. One of the only precious things we have in the game, is now gone.

Gizmo’s armor steal never affected anyone negatively.

Well, Elastigirl depends on fantastic damage to deal damage, so no. Gizmo’s nerf hasn’t affected her much.


I agree but I guess it affected PBs pocket negatively. So here we are now thanks to everyone who bragged about his invasion skills.

Negative, buddy. I’m talking about on separate teams. All of them do insane damage to bots which is why they were highly popular until Gizmo was discovered to be the best.


Actually it does a little bit. Not completely I will admit, since they clearly do everything in their power to make sure no one enjoys this game. But, they can’t find every bug or “exploit” on their own. They actually do rely on players to help them with that.

That being said, there’s a lower chance of a hero getting nerfed if everyone keeps their mouth shut when they find a suitable “exploit,” as Polaris likes to word it, that allows us to actually enjoy the game.

And no, I don’t mean taking advantage of actual issues. There was absolutely nothing wrong with gizmo. They just didn’t like the fact that a majority of players were hitting all max tiers on day 1 of invasion. Anyone who denies that is blind.


If you can make bot reach 20% 1st of all
Then if she can stay alive until that point 2nd
I’d say no she won’t work
I hope I’m wrong

They nerfed invasion toons to sell such bad expensive bundles

200k power mods for 6k diamonds omg!!!

Actually, here we are because of people deliberately raising the alarm about Gizmoduck because they didn’t like what he was doing in invasion, or because of PerBlue finally taking a look at the data after weeks of people scoring billions of points every invasion, take your pick. No one was bragging in this forum about Gizmoduck ruling invasion until Numi_S1 started complaining about it.

I’m pretty sure whatever bot-slaying teams get formed out of the rubble of the Gizmoduck nerf will be kept much quieter, so we’ll be back to our norm of having a few people/guilds dominating invasion and everyone else scraping by.


That’s a good point. I doubt she would survive to that point and if she does it’s still not a one hit kill from full health.

I also love accumulating 300+ power-ups and only having four options for their use. Why can’t we allocate power-up to the toons of our choosing? Instead, the cycle rate for a hero sucks at best. I mean, if I pick a specific toon line up of 5 heroes, I shouldn’t have to blow throw 125 power-ups before I get a hero I selected for my invasion team.

When I do not get an option I want, I add it to everyone.

I select all toons all the time. It allows me to use different toons on breakers and bots. Counted the power ups for specific toons and compared to all level up and the values seemed to be about the same. If you focus on six toons or more then you may find yourself with less overall power in the end.


Actually, there were plenty of people bragging about it.
It’s not just on him. So please use actual facts.
The Method was being spoken about for quite a while, behind closed doors and encrypted in text here.

Fact is that Perblu would have noticed at one point. So stop trying to find a scapegoat.
This whole thread gives me a slight headache.

People purposely abusing and hiding an overpowered exploit and then crying when it gets fixed.
People who abused it the hardest/most are also the people crying the most now.
Well to that I say, welcome to playing the game like the rest of us who werent abusing it nor even know of its existence.

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Not knowing about it shows how little u know about the game or just how much u need to learn. Everyone that took the time to look into his skill kit and disk knew he would do good. And not having him unlock is not an excuse with the help of wakkatu telling u the stats.

Suggestion when a hero comes out read his skills and disk and not wait for someone to tell u if it’s good or not. Becouse it can either be good or they can be playing with u

I’ve done two separate searches for mentions of Gizmoduck with invasion here, and haven’t found anything beyond “he’s really good in invasion” until mid-June. I think there was some actual bragging in Reddit, though I’m doubtful that anyone in PerBlue pays much attention to that subreddit.

If by “behind closed doors” you mean PMs, then it’s certainly possible people were talking about it here, though I’m really doubtful PerBlue snoops on PMs for information about which heroes to nerf.

Oh, I agree that PerBlue would have noticed one way or another and taken action. That’s one reason I’m not upset with Numi_S1, even if I don’t agree with their actions. I’m just trying to point out that people who opposed using Gizmoduck raised his visibility in this forum to a greater extent than people who were actually using him.

Though I guess it ultimately doesn’t matter; if anyone cobbles together another uberbot-killing line, they’ll likely be reluctant to share it out of fear of exposure leading to nerfs, regardless of the intent of whoever they tell it to.

Took 4 hours to max and half of it was me barely paying attention and doing other stuff …if I focused on it wouldve taken only about 2-2.5 hours

Do you plan on sharing your team, or are you just here to brag?


People (like, ahem, me) have questioned that it was even possible to complete invasion tiers that quickly without Gizmoduck, so it’s not just bragging.

Granted, I suspect that being able to complete them that fast involves using several newer (or older, neglected-by-almost-everyone) heroes that only whales will have at usable levels.


I can tell you now that there is only one toon on the team that is “newer” the rest have been out and are infact heros that are in the pvp meta
And I’m not sharing the team for the simple fact that I’m one of the ones who thinks if you dont put in the effort to max tiers or figure the team for yourself that you shouldnt be maxing tiers anyway

(Speaking for F2Ps)

You think some of us don’t put in the effort when we can’t take the fast lane?!

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Evil Queen or the Queen of Hearts were in your team.


Neither of them but she does execute the be at 20%

Can we get a hint?

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