Gizmo nerf complain thread

Why it was so Powerful? It had no Cap so he would always (with max disk)atleast steal 50% of the armour in the bot.

Amount of armour? Thousands, millions, Billions. It increases every bot.

Should we mention mods? Do those help gizmo?

I’m just trying to spark some hope here man.

Mods barely help. He does not even do 10% of what he used to do.

Unless PB increases the cap or deleted it… Gizmo is useless.

Like when obi-wan died and became apart of the force… it seems the hope is gone . We need a new sky walker to kill these death stars (I mean gizmo unnerfed for mama bots).

At this point it’s a cycle. They “make a mistake” with a hero and leave it for months then once they’ve maked a lot of money they nerf them.


Then I’m out of good ideas.

The only one I have left is to delete invasion.

I was just pointing out how the post violated forum rules. I have no say in what they are, and certainly didn’t flag the post. Please don’t shoot the messenger. :no_mouth:

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This post was made to complain about gizmo. Not complain over/about each other. Let’s respect everyone opinion.

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I guess I just really don’t understand this nerf and why it needed to be “fixed” after many months. Some people liked invasion a lot- yes the rewards are not worth the effort -but competing with other guilds and other players was still fun. It took a lot of time to do well which equalled more people on the game and more time spent is something PB should care about I would think. It’s 100% not fun anymore and so I guess I will just play the game less. And I do concur with the outrage over how much I and many others spent on gizmo upgrading him specifically for invasion and we get no compensation for that. I absolutely would not have put resources into him for any other reason. I’m just sad for everyone in my guild now losing this part of the game that used to be enjoyable…


Completely agree. Even if we took advantage of this “bug”, it was encouraging us to engage in invasion more and compete against other guilds. I lost interest in invasion until I found out about Gizmo and now I’ve reverted back to no interest in it at all.


This is a comment I can get behind.

This is not true. We are always very careful when we need to nerf a hero to ensure that the functionality and viability of the hero is not hurt. In this cases, there was an exploit with high level bosses, and it need to be fixed. We are going to be watching the data and making adjustments to Gizmo if we find the cap was too much.


@allaboutmagic7 he is not useless. Hes still currently in my invasion line. Just had to work and figure out a new line. I screwed myself wasting breakers to find a line. Thats the whole point of the game to have to figure out who and what line to use.


But it’s true…and the truth hurts sorry :rofl:

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But that just happened with Gizmoduck, and before with Bo Peep.
You take away his main strength which was the only reason to upgrade Gizmoduck, now he isn’t useful in invasion, and never was in other game modes because a lot of other heroes did the job better.

And how it’s possible it took over half a year to notice his issue? Same with Bo Peep.
A lot of people posted strategy and nobody noticed it from PB?
Fishy :woman_shrugging:

Once again, yes, the cap is still too small, defeating LVL 200 bosses is impossible with Gizmoduck line during red invasion.

And as other heroes which had a part of them nerfed like Randall or Davy received an improvement in other skills.
Gizmoduck was only nerfed, heavily and nothing was given to compensate this big change to any of his stats or skills.
So I will just say again… Gizmoduck should study all enemies with his blue skill, or at least green skill.
This will improve the situation with him, but so far nothing has been changed, and as long nothing will change complains will be on the forum.


Personally would not call it an exploit as would actually see damage being done to the bot unlike now no matter the toons try to use on bots greater then level 300, and as someone said before actually brought competition among guilds which thought was whole purpose. Again if high points were the concern (which are needed by the way to put a dent in those tiers when people actually are busy to not spend all day on it, because right now it’s not attainable at this point without how gizmo was or even to team up with similar ability ) then should be capping bot levels and tiers much lower then is now, not the amount of damage a toon can do in my opinion at least.

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The multiple Gizmoduck chip deals offered in the immediate lead-up to the nerf don’t support that :stuck_out_tongue:

The reason players are unhappy is not directly because Gizmoduck has been nerfed, it’s because Invasion without him is just a huge chore. Removing the ability to score on higher level bots without changing the points scoring or tier system will result in very few people being able to get the upper rewards.


Now that gizmo is completely shot down and useless, don’t you think tiers should be updated now? Maxing out on tiers was a struggle for a lot of people before WITH Gizmo. Now without him how are we supposed to max out? Or is the intention not to? Could at least update the rewards, such as giving out maybe 2 mods, or updating the little “mega” xp drinks that are thrown in for rewards that do literally nothing for pretty much anyone. Once you’ve unlocked invasion, those xp drinks do nothing since you’re getting better ones from the campaign and raiding


Rip off
Bo Peep now Gizmo…
I feel so happy that a 1k bot which i can kill easily now do 0.01% damage in it!!:no_mouth:
Keep This Great Job! Realy Understand How U terminalized it as a ‘Bug’!
1.5M on monday and now 1.63M only …Just Bcoz Of The said ‘bug’ Rip Gizmo
Then Giving us deals of Gizmo! And U waited maxm all upgraded Gizmo and Yay A nerf.
:+1: :+1: :+1:
Even Cant kill a 200 bot :no_mouth:
Gizmo is pretty trash and Yay! Sucking Hero

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