Goodbye to DuckTales (2017) 😭

a good ending to the series…

I just watched it and I’m crying and there are a lot of things that are gonna shock you in the finale

It should be free on Disney now

Not all the episodes :upside_down_face:

What are you talking about they all should be there

Let me check for good measure.

About the reviews of what they think about the finale for me I think it’s good but I’m still sad

Same here because a lot of good things happened in the show plus I heard there’s gonna be a Darkwing Duck series coming

Most of the episodes are locked on DisneyNow and I have not seen them all yet.

Well I saw them but on TV when it premiered but I don’t have cable so I used a live TV app to watch it

Yeah like when the series ends it’s not the end of the series it is just a beginning

Yeah so now it’s Darkwing Duck’s turn to have a show

I do not have cable either. Or live TV.

Well I got rid of watching Disney Now app because they removed tangled the series from this platform idk why like hope they don’t remove ducktales as well

Tangled stuff is on Disney+

I do not understand why people do not have Disney+ sometimes.

I don’t have Disney +

It’s one of the cheapest streaming services rn, you really should get it. Much better than cable.

I, as a cable user still, can confirm. :+1:


I know it still but they removed games themes and everything from it

It is the cheapest I think.

Same I think too

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