Grammatical Error Found

Hiro apparently😂

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And as I said way back when, I think they intended for Ralph to say the wrong word.


I don’t think so - if this was supposed a case of malapropism, it would make sense in a funny way. Or it would sound like he was making an unintentional pun.

But it’s just nonsense.

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Also, “since” was written twice here. :slight_smile:


Your duty”, not “you duty”

Another error


That phrase by Puumba is SO messed up :thinking:


I agree. Maybe we should ask, come next Q&A?


Dang, thats alot of errors.

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Idk how I never spotted this one before, in Megavolts disk -

It should be “the duration… is reduced” - since we’re talking about multiple disables, but the duration of them as a singular thing. Or, if it was durations, that would be fine too


I don’t see a mistake. There is only one duration per disable, right? So, “duration” is correct.

Btw “are” is used after plural nouns. “Is” is used after singular nouns.

Ex: “This apple is tasty”

Non-ex: “This apple are tasty”

Ex: “The carrots are healthy”

Non-ex: “The carrots is healthy”

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Yep, but it isn’t referring to the disables themselves being reduced, it’s the (singular) duration of the disables that’s being reduced - so it should be is. Durations (plural) can be used because each disable has a unique duration, and they are all reduced - in that case are would still be correct

I think? :thinking:

This can have it’s own debate over whether it’s implying that the carrots are good for you, or that they are simply well maintained :smile:


Doesn’t Randall mean “pathetic”?

I don’t know if it has been reported here already (most likely, yes) but there should be an “e” at the end of Arendelle


I believe poetic is the intended word. I think it’s more ironic than poetic though.


I don’t know. Being turned into a cat would be more of an embarrassment than feel like poetry

You have beat the first episode of the Randall/Yzma campaign, right?

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And Yzma’s quote emphasizes what Randall meant

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I haven’t even unlocked it yet. My Randall and Yzma are still sitting at P4.

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Did anyone notice that Magica says “I is”?:thinking:

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“Is” should be “am” and “1” should be “one”

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Being turned into a cat when someone calls you a cat is kinda ironic, so, I don’t think “pathetic” suits this sentence.


Lol!:joy::joy::joy: thats funny to be honest

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