Grammatical Error Found

The constant use of the word “bust” is absolutely terrible grammar. You don’t bust open crates, you BREAK them open, or you just open crates. You don’t bust up creeps or enemies, you BEAT them up.

Skills, discs, etc. don’t buff heroes, they BUFFER heroes. “Buff” means to polish, shine, or smooth. “BUFFER,” the correct word, means to support, shield, cushion, enhance, or protect.

No one asked?

I mean, who are you replying to?


Hi @Mighty_Sea_Tide,

You realize this is a game and not an essay, right?

Buff is common shorthand for buffer. It’s informal but the context of the game is informal too. Try and find a game that uses buffer instead of buff.

What you’re saying about bust, I don’t know how to respond - bust and break are synonymous, bust is just another informal use.


Why would you even think that someone would need to ask? Haven’t you heard of the common and completely acceptable practice of replying to a TOPIC? :thinking: :woman_facepalming:

Haven’t you heard of

Read Ruby’s post.


Your comment was completely unrelated to the topic, with that logic you can’t call a Minecraft creeper’s hiss a hiss

Please explain how posting about grammatical errors in the game is unrelated to the topic of grammatical errors.

That’s not true, @Grim_grinning_Ghost. I created this topic for people to report typos and grammatical mistakes, such as the proper usage of words. His posts are entirely on topic.

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I see where you are coming from, @Mighty_Sea_Tide, and you are correct, but I’m going to have to agree with @LilRubyKinz. This game uses more informal English, so words like bust and buff are use how people normally use them in informal speech.


Yep it’s completely on topic, just (in my opinion) not something that needs to be changed


I agree that they were wrong about what they said but you don’t need to be rude about it.


Geez I make one mistake and that happens :roll_eyes:

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they”, not “the

Olaf’s speech here should end in “it was”, since the entire rest of the statement is in past tense

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I don’t think the apostrophe after QoH should belong


I guess HP ahould be written ‘‘HP’’ instead of ‘‘hp’’

A smal misspell


Small is with 2 l

This seems like it should be:

… in the park. Soon, reinforcements arrive.


I’m pretty sure this is supposed to say 12.5%

It says “12.5” to me :man_shrugging:

Some countries use commas instead of decimals.

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