Grammatical Error Found

Hmmm that looks familiar…





Yup. I reported that typo over a year ago. Apparently it hasn’t been fixed.


Ahh. I didn’t remember that post.

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I do often wonder how many of these actually get fixed, since most are in places we can’t go back to & check :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, I’m going to unload the errors I’ve been hoarding :sweat_smile:

Kida’s statement right now basically says “I are Atlanteans.” Try “I, like them, am Atlantean.”

They thought (forgot the ‘t’)

It’s spelled ‘Yule bell‘.

Needs a space between ‘out’ and ‘loud’.

Should be ‘Jasmine sees Kida’.

Should be ‘barrel rolls’ not ‘roles’.

Says ‘the fist time’ instead of ‘first’.

@Polaris, like Maui has said, I have yet to see many of these errors getting fixed. Are they still actually being reported to the team or is this just a waste of time?


Don’t know if this counts or someone has already had this on here. But look at this:

His name:


White, Green, Blue, and Purple skills


His Red Skill:



I make a ticket for the team to fix each typo reported here, so they do get fixed. The overJoyed one I missed somehow, but there’s a ticket for it now!


These two have the same typo. There is an unnecessary space after the hyphen in “Jack-Jack” and “Wreck-It-Ralph.”


Could be deliberate, but Sound should be Sounds

Is “stepped foot” right? I thought the expression was “set foot”

I’m not sure what’s going on with all the jumbled letters or if it’s deliberate or not, but it’s hard to make sense of

Don’t need a comma after Carrots

Judy tells everyone to attack

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Uhm… what’s wrong with the first three?

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It’s pig Latin but very poorly done.

The first uses the plural verb for a singular object. The second is grammatically correct but the expression itself is wrong.

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This one is normal. Just something like a secret language

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Pumbaa is singular, so it should be “asks

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Also scar has a snout? or should Pumbaa and scar by swapped?

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Yes…it’s his nose/mouth area…:neutral_face:


There should be a comma after “forgotten” in Bo’s sentence (?)


“Gaff” here should be “Gaffe” with an E.

Gaff with no E is British chav-slang for someone’s house :laughing:


Where it says Belle “also grants allies one stack of hardy” at the bottom. Placing it after description of the stick makes it seem as if she grants hardy and calls in the woodchopper. Which I had to test to make sure wasn’t true when I first used her.

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“If reading her book” :neutral_face:

Pretty obvious if you ask me


“She ALSO grants allies…” Obvious that it’s confusing language because of the placement. Yes.

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Yeah, because she changes from book to stick. That is what it says “Also”

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