2 star, frontline damage
“Half a genie is better then none after all”
Shantae uses her transformations to keep enemies on their toes
Entrance: shantae dances in
Victory: shantae belly dances
Defeat: she falls onto the ground
Basic attack: shantae whips enemies with her hair, dealing x damage
White:dance to transform
Shantae dances for a little bit before transforming herself into one of three forms
Monkey: attacks by scratching the enemy and gains a small speed boost when the transformation ends.
Elephant: charges at the enemies which deals x damage and knocks back the enemy hit and gives shantae 40% armor.
Harpie: attacks by kicking the enemy and gives herself a attack boost for 4 seconds.
Green: power kick
Shantae kicks the nearest enemy, dealing x damage to that enemy and knocking that enemy back a small distance
Blue: feeling crabby
Shantae turns into a crab and snips at the nearest enemy, dealing x damage.
Purple: island protector
“Feeling crabby” now gives shantae x armor when the move ends
Red: belly dancing
Each of shantaes transformations have a new effect
Monkey: increases shantaes attack speed overtime for how long she is in the form
Elephant: gives a shantae a shield for x amount when the transformation ends
Harpie: deals x more damage when given a buff
Bad hair day
Faster attacks
Shantaes basic attack is now 30% more faster when buffed
Lamp life
“power kick” now breaks shields
“Power kick” now has a 40% chance to break shields under 30% of the shields health