Heist Feedback Wanted!

I had two heroes freeze in a heist today…couldn’t move them for the majority of the heist.

It would be better if there was a bit of time to get people to join before the heist starts.

Hey everybody
I love the new UI as well as gameplay. It’s hard for me to get a full gist of the Heist section. As for my guild, we are mid level group, and you can open the level until Level 50. I only have two members of which can actually be in the heist. The only thing I have to say is maybe lower than number for level to 30 or 35. So you’re in a guild and you can do heists. Or switch it to where ,when you join a guild you’re able to do Heist immediately. Depending if the leader put you in the heist or allows you to do it for Guild points reasons. Other than that you guys are doing a great job!

It’s very hard. I’ve done about 6 heist today and maybe two of them we were able to defeat the the thief one time. Travel around the board is painfully slow, making getting clues meaningless since the heist will be over before the circle is small enough to make a difference. Everyone should have the choice of watching the battles. And maybe I missed it, but when joining a heist you should be able to see what difficulty mode has been selected. It would be nice to get people to join your heist and then start it.

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The heist game is confusing and hard to win. Not really sure the best strategy. Think there should be more time to assemble teams to fight.

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I enjoyed the heist so far. The real time aspect with other players is nice to have. When making it, would be nice to have a lobby system for public games so you can wait to start the heist until you have additional people.
I do have an idea to add more depth to the heist. If you added special skills for the heroes that you can change or add similar to friendship discs. For example make it so you can make Dash move across the map faster, Bogo and Judy are quicker at searching or they find more clues.

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Some way to speed up character movement when a thief is spotted might help, it just seems like it is way too difficult. Having an added boost might help, or not starting a thief mission until the full amount of people are joined essentially queeing the mission. Gives lower characters an opportunity to still contribute. I’m

-Heist takes entirely too long. It can take heroes up to 2 full mins to slide across the board to a point and then an additional 10 seconds to investigate it.
-You need roughly 500 clues to find the hideout. That’s waaaaay too many for the time it takes to navigate to them.
-Why is stand watch an option if the gems can still be stolen without a battle?
-Forward button for battles? The slow motion is frustrating when everything else in the game is so quick.
-As far as 1 heist ticket per day: I think 5 heist battles a la coliseum/arena would be better. Although who has that kind of time, I don’t know.

So far just neutral about the whole thing. Not something I see myself playing daily like the other mini games.


I like the heists, but characters’ stamina should last a bit longer I think. It takes a long time to move. Also, it’s hard to get help on it, so the thieves are extremely tough for me. Even with all my best heroes present I couldn’t win a single battle. Also maybe something like the heroes abilities can help them move? Examples: Dash moves 3x as fast as other characters, and Eve can go in a straight path no matter what because she flies?

I think the time it lasts is just right. It is a little annoying that you only get one shot each day. I feel like I gwt to do more with everything else, but I am so limitted when it comes to the heist. I like that it is unlocked at level 50, so you get something new to do after playing for a while. I do however think it is a little too hard. Even with 5 people, it seems too hard to beat. Plus the gems get stolen even when they are being guarded. It is impossible to find the hideout before all 10 gems are stolen. Also unless you can quickly get 5 heroes to a fight, it feels like you automatically lose the battle. I think they need to vary more in difficulty. Some should be this hard, but it would be nice if some of the battles were a bit easier.

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  1. The overall heist idea is good.

  2. Needs different difficulty options. Where easy would only spot, catch, and win the battle with the thief 3 times to win before she steals all the jewels. Medium 5 times, Hard 7 times. Earning bigger rewards as the difficulty increases of course. Not referring to her hideout, that part should remain the same. When they come across the hideout, win or lose the heist is over.

  3. Being able to put your heroes in an “open space” is necessary to keep some heroes close by if there are not any clues to discover in the area at the time. However when zoomed in the clues should be bigger so they are easier to tap.

  4. Lets say there are 4 other players in a heist being able to select 5 heroes at a time, that’s 20 heroes already selected. Since only 1 hero can play at a time that leaves me with no heroes to join the game with. Would it be confusing or complicated if more than 1 of the same hero can join the heist, even tho different players heroes have different colors?

  5. The speed a hero takes to travel is fine, even after “sprinting” and using up the yellow bar, it regenerates quickly enough. However with that being said the thief steals diamonds way to quickly, is she always sprinting? Because she is already popping up with a new black circle across the other side of the map when I’m barely arriving at the nearest clue that was in the black circle before. She needs to chill.

  6. Is there an option where I can choose who can invite me to a heist? I received at least 5-10 different invites during the day which were annoying since they were randoms. I’m thinking I should be able to have a checklist to mark only guild members or friends can invite me.

Thank you.

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I agree with this. I have watched four heroes fighting the thief stop attacking after one or two attacks, and then just sit there and get destroyed without doing a thing in return. I don’t know if that is a glitch or not, but it is frustrating where you have to hope to win within two attacks.

Otherwise so far it is a fun new addition.

When I invite someone to my private heist, they can’t join…

Ran into a bug where my heroes did nothing while the thief whittled me down: https://youtu.be/F4JLKRA4rbk

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Was sitting beside him as the thief slowly killed off his characters. Can confirm lol.

Heist is interesting, I like the real time play but it takes too much time to complete overall. 75% of the time is spent watching characters move from one checkpoint to another.

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After playing a few more times, I can see this being fun once more people really understand how the game works. Really wish there was a lobby system that waits until you have 3 players to start the game, so many games started with only 1 player and half the valuables already gone. Would like an easier way to interface with others while playing, and wish the points of interest and loot on screen were a little easier to click on. Kept sending my characters to empty spaces!

Also, the tutorial left a lot to be desired. Until I looked at the rules attached to this post, I was just guessing as to how the game actually works.

Having more opportunities is helping understand it. Cannot understand why when I win that I see this message

Please reduce the map size or speed up the characters. I like this game because I don’t have to spend a long time playing it, please keep it that way. Also, the lack of Speed Up in the battle makes me sad.

And please fix the stationary characters. I lost several times because my characters did absolutely nothing, even on Auto :frowning:

Allow us to add a group/level limit so the weaker players can’t play with the high levels or scale the battles accordingly to everyone’s level.

Okay, so having played a few heists now, this is my feedback…

-Despite the annoyances, I do find this game mode fun and look forward to playing more of it. I’ve only one one battle out of four so far, so this is extremely challenging as a mode. Might tune that down a bit.

-Thief battles are way too challenging at the moment. The time it takes for heroes to get to the battle usually means you only have 1 or 2 in at any time so they are bulldozed with ease. This combined with the glitch where heroes stop attacking the Thief makes these battles a chore, rather than fun.

-Finding the thief’s hideout can take forever. Finding fifty clues, five times to whittle it down can be very time consuming and annoying after a while. Usually by the time you get to the third level, the Thief wins anyways and has already stolen all ten items so you lose every time this way.

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To complicated and long

It’s too slow and lasts for too long. Often hard to find teammates to complete it with. Maybe have a lobby for us to wait for people to join before starting?

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