Heist Feedback Wanted!

Hey Server 1 players! Have you played The Heist? We’d love to hear your feedback. This is a new game mode for us and now that you’ve tried it out, we want to know what you think! Any and all constructive feedback is welcome.

Check out The Heist overview here.

Here are some questions if you feel stuck:

  • What are your favorite things?
  • What makes you frustrated?
  • What do you feel is missing?
  • What would make it more fun?
  • How’s the time length - too long, too short?

Known issues (we know about this, so you don’t need to include it in your feedback)

  • Private heist doesn’t have a join button - we’re working to fix this. If you started a private heist, send in a support ticket and we’ll give you another chance.

Ground rules

  • Keep it constructive - we want feedback that’s actionable. We want to hear the good and the bad, so we can make improvements, but it needs to be helpful and civil. More detail the better.
  • Keep it on topic - this is feedback about The Heist - if you have feedback about other aspects of the game, please put those in a different thread.

It is good, but it takes so long to get teammates to help sometimes your dead before they even get there. We also can’t choose which ones we get making it hard to kill the villain. Takes a long time to get characters around the map.


It’s kinda hard. Would be a little easier if you could talk to the other players instead of trying to type out strategy. Or we could talk strategy first then have the host start it. That way everyone knows what their assignments would be. Like how people prepare for a raid.


Hey guys!

First off, absolutely love the Heist!


  • At the moment, the Hideout battle is a bit anti-climactic. On both of the heists we have completed (one win, one loss, both as a result of Hideout battles), most of the people in the battle weren’t even aware the hideout battle had been initiated. Given that it’s the make-or-break fight, it would be cool if everyone could watch it / if there was a bigger pop up for it / if you could choose when to start it off.
  • I’d personally like to see the icons a bit more obvious as to which hero is doing what and at which location, but this may be due to a lack of familiarity right now rather than a display issue
  • It’d be awesome to have some kind of result that shows individual player contribution so you can tell how effective you were compared to your teammates. Not only to be able to improve personally, but also to be able to work out who’s strategies are most effective and communicate that way. Perhaps most POI’s earned, or most spotting, or defeated fights etc?
  • It’s very hard to learn how to Heist effectively with only one attempt per day. Perhaps we could have an event for a 24 hour period with unlimited heists but severely reduced rewards? This will allow everyone to get the hang of it, using their one daily attempt more effectively, and we would be able to better provide you with feedback before you release to the other servers. It’s very hard to provide useful feedback when we’re still working out how to do it!

(EDIT: Ignore my last point! I opened the feedback mail before I opened the mail with additional tickets. You guys rock!)


It seems laggy, slow paced and lack of action. Only being able to join one day is a lacking any motivation to do it.

[edited - keep it on topic please! ~P]


I think the Heist is genius. My only issue is when the thief is by herself…my heroes stop attacking and the thief simply kills everyone.
Actually a 2nd issue, could there be a FWD option? The slow motion is at times brutal.

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It’s weird and had problems understanding, but it’s fun

I am slowly starting to understand how the heist works. It would be nice to have more than one chance per day so I could figure out how it works.


Along with the call for feedback, check your mailbox for the 10 Heist tickets we sent out to help you guys play around with the Heist. :slight_smile:

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As a whole I really like the idea of a co-op real time event, and this has great potential.

What do I like: that it’s another mode to play, with it’s own reward shop (needs guild perks!)

What’s frustrating: trying to tap a POI in a cluttered area and hitting open space repeatedly. I don’t fully see the point of being able to stand watch in an open area. I’m either standing watch at a valuable or I’m gathering clues, anything else seems wasteful. If there were watch towers that would increase a hero’s area of detection, I could see standing guard there.

What’s missing/more fun: Boosts! Maybe make them something you can buy during the prep stage, unlockable through guild perks. Map travel speed, detection radius, damage, etc., there’s no roof on this thing.

Time: The few heists I’ve run feel like a good balance for time. I don’t mind that it’s a little more involved than other aspects of the game. A smaller map or less clues to narrow down the hideout could be good. I haven’t seen the white circle shrink more than twice, and that’s out of what, 8 or 10? By the time we got there the thief was down 4 lives already. Seems like the more efficient method is just to hunt the thief.

Looking forward to running more and getting a good handle on it, thanks for the new mode!


I wish we could participate in 1 as well as start our own.

J’ai énormément apprécié que vous ayez ajouter le même principe du jeux de Operation 911.
C’Est l’un de mes jeux que j’Ai le plus jouer à présent, l’idée d’y fusion avec Disney y donne un piquant de plus pour que j’y reste un bon moment sur votre App.

Je vous adores Heroes disneys continuer come ça dans cette direction.
Vous m’épater toujours avec de new heroes qui s’en vient à chaque mois. Comme dans league of legens.

Pour des raisons quelconques je vais devoir mettre les bouchées double, car après-tout vous venez de sortir Stitch. Mon personnage favoris de ma toute petite enfances.

Love the new content! My feedback is as follows

Quite difficult if you don’t have all heroes at purple and multiple stars. Even easy is hard to beat

Heroes too slow to respond to ambushes.

Hard to find people to join especially when you work during the day.

Heist takes too long when not enough people join causing players to leave or log off due to life responsibilities.

Too many mobs to fight when you spot the thief. You are 9/10 times alone.

Thank you for the ability to provide feedback!

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The heist…

Frustrated first time with a loss. Underwhelmed with a win second time around. Ambushes stop characters, but UI seems hidden. Agree that final fight seems anti clear matic given it ends the heist. Multi wave or more heroes or indicate whol team should watch. So many clues seem not to get through before it is over.

I like the new mode and hero limitations but also would like to know what heroes are MIA before joining in? 10 jewels but didn’t see reward screen in win so don’t know if number saved means something. Hard level min should be 80. It killed a.lot of.team members time after time and everyone on my first time was level capped but couldn’t kill the theif. Losing to the theif still should give clues. Guarding doesn’t seem to be an advantage. Theif can just waltz in and out even when a bunch are around. Pathing is difficult to see and zoom out is limited for over view.

Just my thoughts so far.

Thanks for innovating and not being afraid of community feedback.

It feels less grindy than CW. Since each game and each team can be new. Like the guild and friends aspect a lot.

Would like to see each player have a team captain with a boost.

Some fights that start with just a DPS are easier to lose than call in friends since they will die before help comes.

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I’ve only played one heist and it was unsuccessful as there where only 2 players online by the time they others came on ut wad too late. We also didn’t really know what to do. But I’m looking forward to exploring some more.

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Like the concept needs a little bit better explanation but overall had fun running around and having to think about what is next.

My favorite thing is having fun with a kinda of hide and seek with your guild mates and friends

What makes me frustrated is when you go to the diamond closest to the diamond just stolen then the diamond you were protecting was stolen

What I feel is missing is different heros taking non similar time for the same spot, if dash was in the same area as sully then they both take lets say 1 min but dash has super speed so why does he go the same speed as a monster like sully?

I think that the heros may show random emojis of themselves you unlocked like dash having the super speed one while he is going somewhere

I think that its too long for like a short break, something that would be cool if you could choose short or long with half the stuff and half the rewards or a pause where you can only unpause when everybody originaly in it was ready.


I love the Heist! I think it’s a very good way to connect with other players and to earn different kinds of experience and coins. One thing that maybe could be improved on is that we have more than 1 free Heist a day? The overall workings of the Heist makes it a little difficult to get the hang of by just doing it once a day.

Also, I feel like during ambushes it’s very difficult to get other plays to help in a timely manner, so maybe there could be a way to fix that so we have a better chance of succeeding?

Other than that, I like the idea and am happy about this new inclusion. Keep being awesome!

Update: just saw the free heist tickets - you’re now even awesomer!

Concept is good but some issues and some bugs…

  1. There is a lack of balance between players that join first and those that join later on. I.e. Choice of heroes being limited (no duplicates)prevents you from using your better heroes. This also means that it’s likely you won’t have any healing heroes under your control.

  2. If several players already joined it is difficult to tell what heroes are already in play I.e. You have to look at a map and try and judge what heroes might still be available to you. You don’t know for certain until you click join. It would be good if you could preview what your options might be before joining (I.e which of your champs can be used).

  3. I find that too often hero is dead or nearly dead before others join. I would suggest a 10 second holding period (or even 5 seconds) so that a few of the other champs have joined before combat begins.

  4. Bug… Sometimes combat starts but I don’t progress to combat screen. Which means that I have no control over outcome and my lone hero inevitably is defeated.

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