Heist Feedback Wanted!

Honestly most frustrating thing is time in the heist. Takes too long to get around map and length of heist is way too long. I do not have the time to dedicate to hours of play and I think heists should be limited to 15/20 minutes at most.
Is there chat with the players in the heist? Did not see any but it may be helpful.
I think it could be a fun idea but too long of gameplay. Should not take 2 mins to move 1 cm on the map. Makes it impossible to catch up to thief with size of map.

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If people leave in the middle of the heist, could they be hit with a penalty please? It’s difficult with 5 people who know what they are doing. It’s impossible to do it if people leave in the middle.

Okay it is impossible to even beat a battle with my best heroes when you catch the thief. Frustrating to play something when you know your always gonna lose. This is unlocked for players who are level 50+. A battle should be able to be beaten by level 50 characters with at least purple badges and 3 stars with a total power of 4,000+.

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I think the heist has a lot of potential! Perhaps a ranking system based on players contributions during the heist? It’s lame to end up in a game with non-active players who just sit there. I’ve been fortunate enough to be part of a winning game (yay us!)
I didn’t realize until about 5 games in that there was a chat for heist. Super handy!! But maybe make it more obvious?
In the tutorial, you should mention that the energy bar contributes the the characters movement speed on the map.
I see a lot of complaints about not duplicating characters in the heist, but it’s an incentive to get more characters. I’ve not spent a dime on this game and have 22 characters unlocked.
Excited to see how the heist pans out!

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It’s a good, fun game mode that requires teamwork and brings new and interesting gameplay. I feel like the wait times for a new game are a bit long, and some slight clarifications on the mechanics are needed. We also need more ways of getting heist tickets.

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For the most part I think Heist is a good addition to the game.

Some things that could be improved

-Fast forward for the battles would be 
-The ability to zoom in or out on the map
-Maybe make it so that heros can only be 
  used if they are of a certian color... Ex: easy
  could be blue heros and higher... Hard is
  Purple heros

Thats all i can think of for now… May add more later

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Not being able to use duplicate hero’s makes it way too hard to join games unless you have at least 15-20 50+ hero’s… Incredibly frustrating

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The most frustrating has been the bug that makes my heroes stop attacking the thief when she is the last enemy.

Yes, or have a “master” fighter. I will be waiting for heroes to get closer for a better chance of winning and an uneducated team member who doesn’t read team chat hits fight and loses automatically. Don’t even get me started on the hideout fight in this respect. The UI also needs a way for the group to determine the best 5 to send to the hideout fight as typing that in chat is painfully slow.

AlsoI would recommend having one free heist you can start per day but inifinite you can join in a day. This way I am not punished for helping that poor soul who is alone with 4/10 and little hope of winning.

Lower levels allowed to participate

Itd be nice if characters with built in abilities could use them, like dash’s speed or sully just opening doors nearby, eve’s flying and Quora using her troncycle.


Esse stun do ladrão dura muito esse stun poderia dura menos

Eu também acho que está muito difícil vocês poderia modera na dificuldade desse jogo principalmente no Level 50

Hi, for the heist feedback, hopefully I’m in the right spot I have never used a forum like this before. The heist is a great concept, I do enjoy playing that part of the game. A few things that bug me about it is, there is no fast forward for the fights, it goes very slow, it is very slow to navigate the map as well. Also, when ambushed you have no choice but to fight, most of the time by the time the other people make it to you, you already lost the fight. Also, I think that fighting the thief is way too difficult even on easy level. Another thing is, we do not get to choose the heroes that fight with us so most of the time we get heroes that have very little energy so we loose the battle. The whole idea of the heist is great I love it but it shouldn’t be so hard to win the fights on easy level.

I’m typing this on my phone so I will be brief. I love the idea of the heist, it has the potential to be a lot of fun, but it has a lot of downsides. Communication needs to be improved so teams can develop strategies, the game play itself is too slow, the thief is extremely hard to catch which isn’t much fun and makes winning the heist too difficult. I do like the idea that no hero’s can be doubled up, but if you have less than 5 characters you can’t play, so finding a heist you could join or do well in becomes very difficult. That’s my two cents.

As many others have already pointed out there is a serious lack of balance with the strength of the thief. I’ve played 3 heists so far and I’ve never seen one beat. All the battles I’ve been a part of all of my heroes are killed before any help arrives. Another bit of feedback is that it’s not very intuitive. I still don’t really understand the point of it. I like the thought of a real time interactive node, but this needs some work.

Interesting game mode, but needs work.


Difficulty issues, “Easy” isn’t easy, often even with lv 70 characters I cannot win, she is far too powerful. If I’m struggling, how is a fresh lv 50 supposed to handle it?

Tickets, one a day just won’t be enough. Some heists can finish really quickly too (see below). Also rewards are no where near good enough for one heist a day.

Hideout, I really don’t like how a loss here ends the game, sometimes the hideout can be found quickly, such an anticlimax to have the game end here. Why do we lose anyway? Just have those characters stunned for a minute, and their hideout locked for a few minutes before retrying.


Okay, third time giving feedback, here. Now this could be a permanent thing or temporary until private mode is fixed but:

I just ran 2 heists with 1 friend, one of the top players on this server, AND a guild mate. We also had a random join. We had the hideout found pretty quickly and BOTH games the random jumped the gun on the fight and we lost…

So here’s what I suggest, at least until the private mode is fixed: Only the host of the match can initiate the Hideout battle.
This way a random cant just enter your game and troll you or force you and your friends to lose what may be your last or only heist ticket for the entire day.


Just wanted to add a couple more suggestions!

It would be great if we could have the option to start a heist but have it paused waiting for people to come in. If the chat opened before this, that gives us a quick chance to discuss strategy and hero selection before starting. The person who started the heist can hit the go button when everyone is ready (even if there isn’t a full selection yet). People have the option to leave if this is taking too long, with their ticket refunded.

Also, I’d love it if the chat window stayed open a short period after the heist finished - because not everyone can see the final fight, it’s a good chance to debrief everyone on how the fight went, discuss what heroes were effective, celebrate the victory etc.

Lastly, if there was possibly a different icon for “standing watch” on a open space and standing watch on a valuable? It would make it a lot easier to discern what heroes are doing

Thanks again!


Heist is great fun, if people know how to play. I’ve played a couple of times where players kept asking how to play.
My only gripe is that sometimes the battle with the thief she manages to stun quite often. A couple of times I couldn’t get a hit in as characters were stunned for most of the battle.

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