Hello I'm new!

Hello I have just joined the forums. Is their any topics to help me understand what to do here. And how to use the site?


Hello there! :smile:

You can start with the Discobot tutorials. The first should have automatically been sent to you, and the second can be started in a private message by saying “@discobot start advanced user tutorial”. You’ll get badges for completing each of them, and it’ll teach you a few tricks. There’s also been a series of topics by @Forum_Guide that may help.

We also have a variety of fun topics here, such as a topic to share screenshots and talk about your accomplishments in-game, a survivor-style elimination game, and a topic to mess around with @Discobot’s many features. :slight_smile:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Thank you @PawpsicleSticks, although I made a post in a topic and it was flagged. Is their a reason?

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Happy to help. If you have a flagged post, it’s probably because it wasn’t related to what the topic was discussing. You can either delete it, or edit it to be on-topic. :upside_down_face:

I think it was on topic. It was one of the forum guide topics. I got a message saying it was spam or advertising

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Just checked, and you’re right. I don’t know why anyone would flag you for that. :thinking:

If it helps right as I posted they were flagged, so are their bots that flag posts? Because their was no time before they were flagged and posted.

Did you make a account post in the topic delete the post and then post again?

@Ask_Me_Why Can Help.

Well can you help then or just say that?

image https://media1.giphy.com/media/a1QLZUUtCcgyA/source.gif
Welcome! I hope you will have fun here like many of us already do!

Hello new (you said that) , hope you have fun on the forums

Welcome to the forums then! :smiley:

Howdy partner! If you need a guy to lean on who can prolly understand what’s wrong I’m your guy. Have a good time here, a lot of good people reside here…

Hi! :partying_face:

welcome to the forums! :slight_smile:

It’s been over a week since they posted this, y’all can stop now.

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