Mmmmm so you dont want extra chips. Cause having them into the inventory is soooooo annoying… everytime i open inventory i see all my extra chips screaming at me… wow… really annoying… perblue wont give us any chance to exchange chips for chips or to sell them for gold or xp bottle or anything else. People complained a lot few mpnths ago and what we got? An extra star on heroes… so again… really is so frustrating and annoying to have some extra chips in inventory?? They keep you awake during the night? Do you know you can use them for friendship disk? People dont want 7star heroes. No one wants. Not even players like me (all heros 6 star except gaston and almost all heroes with 5star disk so 0 need of chips and not even have any disk to use them) and for sure not f2p players…
So please think for the community not for you and your own inventory screaming at you… no one want 7star on heroes so understand why many players tell to not complain about that…