Hero Balance Roll Out Planning Poll

The ones heroes equip over ranks… that should be one third of everything.
Disks are second third.
Red Skills are last third.

Period. There´s no reason for disks and red skills each being 1000x base stats from equipped badges and call it a good refresh.
It´s a broken refresh, if anything. Cause it makes ranks totally redundant. It did happen with new heroes before (like Pete), but with the Patch Seasons refreshes it became a lot more severe and it really showed where the problem lies.

There is no problem there.
Each equipment should make difference, and for some time disks levels barely changed anything.

Oh, but there is.
Maxed disk stats should be equal to the “Badges” part of calculation.

Example: (on Jack Sparrow)

Max HP - Base Stat (Badges) is 7B, Enchantment is 1.7B, Memory Disk is 138.8B, Patch is 422M
Therefore I ask for Memory Disk stat to be divided by 19.7377570971, which would make Memory Disk Max HP equal to Base Stat.

Armor - Base Stat is 108M, Enchantment is 19M, Disk is 411.44B, Patch is 22.8M.
I ask for the Memory Disk stat to be divided by almost 4,000 to reach Base Stat´s 108M.

And so on and so on for EVERY Hero.
There would not be a perfect balance, but better than is now.

Completely agree that it should be like that for HP and damage stats… for armor and reality I’d give a bit more though. Not in the trillions ofc, but ideally something like what was given to Megavolt, which at the time did actually make him fairly resistant to most oneshots. 100M armor on 7B HP doesn’t really do anything

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But it´s meant to be reduction, not a complete stall…

700M armor on 7B HP reduces the damage to half. And you still have mods!

Which takes me to a different topic… @TheGrillFather if there can be some discussion with the rest of the team about giving artificial power equal to SP upgraded mods… to HP and BD upgraded mods.
Cause (some) people mod with SP mods just to satisfy the “power ahem… obsession” (a different word describes it better but eh…)

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Then that would be good… halving it is fine

with 4 armor mods you can have 48% of HP as armor… which is almost 3.5B
and that means reducing damage to 1/6th

it´s always: Max HP / (Max HP + 10 * Armor) to find out how much normal damage the hero would take
or… 10 * Armor / (Max HP + 10 * Armor) to get the reduction.

So 10 * 3.5B / 42 B = 35 / 42 = 5/6 reduction (83.3%)

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In the realm of most games, I typically lean towards supporting the enhancement of underperforming heroes, builds, or skills. However, considering the current state of DHBM, I strongly advocate for a substantial nerf. The numerical values have spiraled out of control, and if left unchecked, we might witness astronomical figures in just a matter of months, reaching into the octillions.

In my view, a recalibration of values is imperative. It’s essential to bring them down to a level where, perhaps around Chapter 99 or wherever the team envisions the hero levels plateauing in the future, we are left with values in the millions.

What the game requires now is a profound shake-up of the meta. The true essence of DHBM lies in its meticulously crafted heroes, each endowed with unique and intricate skills. However, the current meta severely limits our options, relegating 90% of the heroes to obscurity. To fully appreciate the vast array of heroes and their abilities, we need a meta that fosters diversity and makes every hero a viable choice.

The average player is likely to be more receptive than some might expect. The prospect of being able to revisit and enjoy heroes that were once cherished could significantly win back many players who currently feel disheartened by the current meta.


Well, again, if the stats are roughly similar then the changes will be big, but not necessarily uncomfortable.

The next step after that would have to be adjusting the damage done or shielding or heals based on the effective speed at which the hero places their skills into use.
Meaning heroes like Pegasus and Zeus should have values below the average to adjust for their high speed of used skills (even gaining speed and reducing enemy speed)


It occurred to me some certain heroes that need buffs and nearly benefits most of all from it would be voyd and the biggest joke of the game since ralph, the underminer.

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