Hero Forum/Creativity Forum

Believe it or not,I actually liked lumiere.

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Edna can be a control character

You do know his name isn’t yokai right?

  1. I think it’s okay that Edna is a tank. Some other small-scale characters such as Olaf and Felix were assigned as tanks, despite their obviously shorter stature.

  2. While it’s never actually said in the film, Yokai was the name Callaghan used while he donned his supervillain attire. As to how people discovered it, I have no idea.


Yes that is true, but It had nothing to do with their stature. That would be like saying vanelope is in the back cuz of her stature. They putthem where they fit best. Plus, watch the movies. Even Olaf makes sense as a tank if you think of it in that light.

Felix: Doesnt mind getting hit repeatedly by Calhoun as he can heal himself with his magic hammer.

Olaf: Doesnt mind stalling Marshmellow or walking into an icicle because he cannot feel pain. Even when you watch him fight in game, his defeat ends with him smiling. Just like the movie.

Edna Mode: Throughout both movies has a supporting role, she makes Mr. I and family a bunch of new special suits. Annd then babysits Jack Jack and upgrades his suit.(which by the way, would fit right into Jack Jack’s friendship history. Finding a suitable sitter.)

Imo, her role as a tank makes little sense. She never directly puts herself in harms way throughout the movie. It makes sense then, imo, for herto remain in the safest place possible (a matter of opinion as middle can be safer than back if Woody is on the enemies team.) While she supports her teamates.

Imo, her role: Support.


@Champion_David Good to see some technical reasoning as to why many heroes have their own roles. With all due respect, I didn’t take Edna’s concept as seriously. And looking back, the mistake that I really should have fixed is exactly what you mentioned. I think deep down I wanted to see a more combative side to Edna, which influenced me to classify her as a tank.

But, to perfectly honest, Edna is definitely built to be a Support. All her mannerisms and strategies, both in concepts and in the films, mostly lead to her as a supporting backline. The most violent things that Edna did in the movies were showcasing the supersuits to Helen rather graphically, and abusing her with a newspaper.

But I think that in the rush to release Cars and villain concepts, I sort of neglected to give Edna’s concept some much-needed quality and reason. In that sense, I’m going back on my promise to edit out that mistake, as it would result in me basically rewriting the entire concept. But thanks, David. :grinning:


It took me weeks to brainstorm those characters from Chicken Little. Plus I don’t know how to delete my own topics.
But anyway: Chicken Little Heroes Concept

Can we all agree that Edna Mode’s violence is hilarious?! :joy::joy::joy:

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That’s true. If Edna is added in the future, I’ll legit pay PB to slap enemies with her newspaper/throw her newspaper as a basic attack :laughing:


I would too if I had a credit card to pay with :wink: and the best part is, if she were added, she would be OP like all new heroes! :upside_down_face:

White skill:
Seriously OP. Jack skellington’s White Skill is a 6 second Scare and a 3 second Stun (both having a chance to fail) without damage. I’d expirement with a Silence and a pushback.
Green: why does a headbutt deal Fantastic damage?
Blue: 1, isn’t this called a dodge?
2, why does he gain Basic Damage? His white and Green skills deal Fantastic damage.
Purple, how does the name relate to the skill? Please elaborate.

Disks. What does leveling up your disks do (using Disk Power)?


Judging from most feedback received, it’s pretty obvious I screwed up on Beast.

  1. Remember that Sulley has a 10 second Scare. I did try to design Beast so he’d be a very powerful character, but I’m sure that decreasing the stun length would fix that. If not, Silence would work great.

  2. . . I don’t really see an issue with it.

  3. Yes, it is called a dodge. “Negating All Damage” shouldn’t change anything. However, looks like I did screw up on a Basic Damage increase. That should be Skill Power, thanks.

  4. I mainly used “Tale As Old As Time” because I’m legitimately terrible at making names for skills. That was the only thing that cane to mind, believe it or not.

You did very well with this character and it would be a viable replacement for Sulley in some teams. I’m just that person who nitpicks at everything. These skills mainly portray Beast as a, well, beast. And as I’m sure a fellow Beauty and the Beast lover knows, he has a good heart. He just feels like Scar right now.

Green skill: the only reason I say this is because Fantastic damage behaves exactly like Magic damage would in other RPG games. (and besides, Elbows and Cowgirl Boots are capable of healing the user.) Beast would need to be able to output Fantastic damage to be at all viable compared to other heroes. I guess I would just prefer a skill that allows him to intercept a hit from an enemy (similar to Rapid Guard) like he takes a hit for Belle when being hunted by wolves.
Blue: Feels underwhelming. Would be interesting if he healed the same amount as was dealt to him, while also gaining Skill Power. Would also show his determined side.
Tale as old as time: I will admit that it is hard to come up with a skill just given a name. Your skill is fine, its just I’m a nitpicker. I would like something that actually deals with time, possibly a movement and attack speed buff (or a self-sustaining skill) once below 50% HP.

Fantastic damage is a matter of opinion really. Both Elastigirl and Mike use skills that by your magic definition prolly shouldn’t be considered fantastic.

I googled Fantastic, and of the several definitions done, this one seems to fit best:

Fantastic- seeming more appropriate to the imagination than to reality; strange or exotic.

In this sense, I hope it makes more sense although, Vanelope is another question entirely :thinking:

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Cruella De Vil
2 Star Mid-line Control

Quote: I live for furs. I worship furs!

Entrance: Cruella drives her car on screen, jumps out, pipe in hand, and a henchman drives her car off.

Victory: Cruella puffs on her pipe, blowing smoke and laughing maniacally.

Defeat: Cruella takes off her shoe and slams it on the ground angrily.

After those puppies! (White): Cruella points and yells for her driver who plows past everyone on screen, dealing X amount of damage.

Where are they? Where are they!? (Green): Cruella buffs Ally team gaining X attack speed, X damage boost. Buffs would be in small increments and permanent, stacking throughout the match.

I’m done with you! (Blue): Cruella blows smoke from her pipe onto enemies on screen. Her smoke deals damage over time for X seconds.

Puppies, puppies! (Purple): Cruella hugs herself in her fur coat, embracing the fur, healing herself for X amount of HP.

I’ve no use for babies! (Maleficent): Whenever she uses her green skill Cruella shields allies for X amount of damage, for X seconds. Shield increases in X amount and duration for every Villian on team.
Includes Scar, Ursula, Hades

They are mongrels! (Scar): Cruella grants Ally team X energy at the start of every wave, and death of every Ally, if Cruella is killed double energy.
Includes Moana, Stitch, Mad Hatter

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

I thoight her “pipe” was a long cigarette… :neutral_face:


Yeah. I think a cigarette would be more accurate.


I think you are right. If I’m not mistaken. Dident she have a cigarette in a black cigarette holder?


@Champion_David After reading your post it jogged my memory concerning fantastic damage (this has to do in the sabotage portion of war) when & on what toons/heroes should that type (fantastic) sabotage be used against? Sorry if it’s a little off topic. But since you spoke on fantastic damage it might be an appropriate question.
As I sometimes I don’t know which sabotage choice to use.

Hmmm If I understand your wuestion right,It depends on the hero. Fantastic damage sabotage lowers the damage of all Fantastuc damage dealt I think.

So I character such as Nick who deals lots of Fantastic damage, could be reduced in the amount of famage they deal.

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